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Kerala Public Service Commission (PSC) has released the list of candidates who have been shortlisted for the post of Livestock Inspector Grade II/ Poultry Assistant/ Milk Recorder/ Store Keeper/ Enumerator- First NCA Hindu Nadar in Animal Husbandry department. The Commission had invited applications from qualified candidates belonging to reservation group of Hindu Nadar community in the State of Kerala for appointment to the above mentioned post (CATEGORY NO: 185/2020). The recruitment drive is for Trissur district. The list was released on 25th March 2022 and is available on the official website of the commission.
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Kerala PSC Livestock Inspector Grade II 2022 Overview
Events | Particulars |
Name of post | Livestock Inspector Grade II/ Poultry Assistant/ Milk Recorder/ Store Keeper/ Enumerator |
Department | Animal Husbandry |
Number of vacancies | 2 |
Pay scale | Rs. 20000 to Rs. 45800 |
Date of OMR test | 29th July 2021 |
Date of release of Probability List | 25th March 2022 |
Official website | |
Kerala PSC Livestock Inspector Grade II Result 2022
1: Which Year First Assembly Election was held in Kerala?
An OMR test was conducted on 29th July 2021 for the candidates who had applied for the post of Livestock Inspector Grade II in Animal Husbandry department. Based on this test, Kerala Public Service Commission has released a probability list containing the register numbers of candidates who have been found provisionally eligible to be included in the rank list, subject to verification of original documents. Those who have appeared for the OMR exam can check the official website to know whether they have made it to the rank list. We have also provided the list in this article.
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Join Now!Kerala PSC Livestock Inspector Grade II Shortlist 2022
The following table shows the register number of candidates who have made it to the rank list. The register numbers are arranged in their numerical sequence and the arrangement does not in any way, indicate their respective rank on the basis of the OMR test.
Register Number |
100152 |
100154 |
100471 |
100536 |
100590 |
100908 |
101115 |
101379 |
104665 |
Click here to download the official notification pdf
The candidates whose register numbers are included in Probability List will be called for verification of original documents. The schedule for document verification will be published in due course.
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Important Points Regarding Livestock Inspector Grade II Shortlist
- Inclusion of register numbers in short list is purely provisional subject to scrutiny and admission of
application on absolute basis. - Inclusion of Register numbers in the Probability List does not confer any right on the
candidate for inclusion in the Rank List. - The list has been prepared by including the number of candidates who have secured top marks in the OMR Test.
- The candidates who have secured 35.33 marks and above are included in the Probability List .
- Revaluation of answer scripts is not allowed but answer scripts can be rechecked after the publication of Rank List. Detailed instructions regarding this will be given in the Rank List to be published for the post.
- Candidates included in the Probability List will have to present and produce in person the original documents for One Time Verification. The date, time and Venue of One Time Registration verification will be published shortly.
- Candidates included in the Probability List will have to produce Non Creamy Layer Certificate as per
G.O(P)No.81/2009/SC/STDD dated 26/09/2009 issued by the concerned Revenue authority at the time of OTR verification. - Copy of answer scripts of the OMR Test held on 29th July 2021 will be issued to those candidates who, apply for the same remitting the prescribed fee after approval of the Ranked List. Candidates whose Register Numbers are invalidated are advised to refer to Notification No : ER II(3)4709/2021/EW dated 18/01/2022.
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