Table of Contents
Prelims, Mains, Interview, Allotment. Everybody knows this process of the IBPS exams. But what next? what is to be done after allotment? We searched for some answers and here are the facts.
IBPS Exams
IBPS conducts 4 different exams. Namely:
IBPS PO (Probationary Officer) Exam
The most popular out of the bunch, IBPS PO is an exam held annually and provides a job as the role of probationary officer. The application process is online and so is the 100 mark exam.
IBPS SO (Specialist Officer) Exam
IBPS SO exam is also held annually, is online and has many posts based on the speciality chosen. It is held all over India and the syllabus is the basic subjects plus profession knowledge in their area of expertise
IBPS Clerk Exam
Like it’s siblings, IBPS clerk exam is also held annually and will be held for the tenth time this year. like all the other exams, this is also held online but the maximum marks is 200 marks.
IBPS RRB (Rural Regional Bank) Exam
This exam has many sub-categories like office assistant, marketing manager and treasury manager and so the exam and syllabus details are based on the post you choose out of these given sub-categories.
The exams aren’t too hard to crack, you just need to be well prepared. Lucky for you, the Entri app does just that.
Preliminary Exam
1: What does the acronym "ATM" stand for in banking?
The candidates must clear the preliminary exam to be able to write the mains. The syllabus comprises of Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude and English Language.
It’s a 2-hour online exam that’s out of 125 marks that candidates must pass to get to the mains. The syllabus is different for each post offered.
IBPS Clerk
The preliminary exam tests the candidate based on their aptitude, intellect and English. The candidate must clear each of the three subjects to be able to write the main exam.
Assistant – 80 marks 45 minutes. The selection is done purely based on main exam marks.
Officer Grade – 80 marks 45 minutes. The final selection here will be based on the cumulative score obtained by the candidate in the mains and interview process.
Preliminary is just a qualifier. So you were thinking of taking it lightly? No. Exams are not to be underestimated. Learn and start preparing with the Entri app today.
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Candidates that clear the mains exam will be called for an interview that will be out of 100 marks. To qualify for the interview, the candidate must get the cut-off marks that are determined by the board. The interview is conducted for around 20 minutes. A panel of bank officials ask questions about the candidate, banking sector, current affairs, general awareness, etc.
The interview will be conducted at select centres. The venue, time and date will be informed to the selected candidates. The total marks allotted for the interview are 100. Qualifying marks will be less than 40%.
IBPS shortlists candidates and allots anyone of the participating banks to the candidate if he or she has qualified in the mains and interview and have also cleared the final cut-off. The allotment is done based on merit and preferences. IBPS will also send an email regarding the details. This is the last step where IBPS is involved. Here on, it is all determined by the allotted bank.
Merit will be made based on your marks in the combined mains and interview. It is important to note that if two candidates have obtained the same score, then merit order is decided as per date of birth (seniors before the juniors). So what’s the best way to ensure getting a higher merit other than being elder than the others? Scoring high of course! We at Entri are here to help.
After the allotment, IBPS has no role and now it’s up to the bank. The individual banks will send an appointment letter with the details via post and email to the previously registered address and e-mail ID. The letter includes the dates on which the candidates have to report to the bank for training and the documents required for verification.
For PO candidates
After training, you can get employed anywhere in India. If you are from Delhi there are equal chances of you getting allotted in the south as well. It is most wise to be prepared to face the challenges.
For Clerk candidates
Like PO, you can get employed into any district of the state. For example, if you applied in Kerala there are equal chances of getting allotted into Kasargod district as well as Idukki district.
How long do the banks take to call?
Not sure. It may take a month, three or even six months! So be patient and prepared with all the files and documents required. Get a medical fitness certificate and police verification ready on hand.
To all of you candidates out there, hope you found this informative. For the others, hope you found this easy to understand. Stay at home and keep learning! Have a nice day