Table of Contents
The shortlist for the Kerala PSC Confidential Assistant Gr. II (159/2022) post was made public by the Kerala Public Service Commission on May 11, 2023. Candidates who took the exam will be able to view the Confidential Assistant Gr 2 Shortlist on their official website starting on May 11, 2023. The register number of applicants who have been assessed to be suitably qualified to be contacted for an interview for the position of Confidential Assistant is listed on the list, pending verification of the original documents. Candidates who received 31.25 or more marks are included in the Main List, and the minimum marks required for the supplementary exams have been reduced accordingly. Check below for further updates!
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Kerala PSC Confidential Assistant Shortlist 2023: Highlights
Events | Details |
Name of post | Confidential Assistant Gr. II |
Department | Handicraft Development Corporation of Kerala |
Authority | Kerala Public Service Commission |
Rank List Status | Released |
Cat No. | 159/2022 |
Method of Recruitment | District wise |
Selection Procedure | Written Test, Interview |
Cut off marks | Various |
Official Website | |
Kerala PSC Confidential Assistant Shortlist 2023: Releasing Date
1: Which Year First Assembly Election was held in Kerala?
Starting on May 11, 2023, candidates may access the Kerala Public Service Commission’s official website to read the Kerala PSC Confidential Assistant Gr. II Shortlist, which has been issued by the commission. Candidates should cross-reference their registration number with the PDF file published by the Kerala Public Service Commission in order to determine their rank for the position of Confidential Assistant Gr. II in the Kerala Education Department. If your Registration No. appears in the rank list, you can proceed to the next step of the selection process. To view the Confidential Assistant Gr. II shortlist for 2023, enter your User ID and password. For more details, continue reading!
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Join Now!How to Download Kerala PSC Confidential Assistant Shortlist 2023?
Follow the given procedures to download Kerala PSC Confidential Assistant Gr. II shortlist
- First, Visit the official web portal of the Kerala Public Service Commission.
- Next, Tap result tab
- Then, select the shortlist you want and click on download tab.
- Check the result and download it for future reference.
Kerala PSC Confidential Assistant Gr. II Shortlist 2023: Direct Link
Use the provided URL below to download KPSC Confidential Assistant Gr. II Shortlist
Details Mentioned on Kerala PSC Confidential Assistant Gr. II Shortlist 2023
- Name of examination
- Category Number
- Recruiting Department
- Salary Scale
- Candidate’s register number
- Number of selected candidates
- Cutoff score
- Shortlist guidelines
- Details of authority
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സർക്കാർ ജോലി എന്ന സ്വപ്നം ഇനി സ്വപ്നം മാത്രമല്ല! Join Entri's Kerala PSC Coaching Programs
Join Now!Kerala PSC Confidential Assistant Gr. II Shortlist 2023
- Inclusion of register numbers in this list is purely provisional. This inclusion does not confer any right on the candidate for inclusion in the Ranked list to be prepared on the basis of the Main Examination.
- The register number of candidates who have secured top mark in the OMR Test (Common preliminary Exam Degree Level) are included in the list.
- The candidates who have secured 31.25 ( thirty one (point) two five ) Marks and above after standardisation in the Preliminary OMR test are included in the eligibility list. The minimum marks for various reservation communities have been lowered to ensure their adequate representation in the eligibility list. Candidates whose inclusion is due to the benefit of reservation to ensure adequate representation, shall have to prove their claim by producing Community Certificate/Non Creamy Layer Certificate at the time of One Time Registration Verification if they are included in the
list to be published after the final examinations. If they fail to prove their claim, their application will be summarily rejected. - The marks secured in the Common Preliminary Examination Degree level by the candidate will be considered only for ascertaining the eligibility to appear for the final exam and will not be considered for the purpose of final ranking and shall not have any relevance while preparing the Rank List for the post.
- If any of the documents produced by any candidate is found defective the Commission reserves the right for rejection of their candidature at any stage of selection as per rule.
- According to the existing procedure, revaluation of Answer script is not allowed. But Answerscripts will be rechecked if the candidates apply for through their One Time Registration profile from the Commission’s official website www.kerala by remitting the prescribed fee of Rs.85 (Rupees Eighty Five only). The fee can be remitted by e-payment through the portal. Applications submitted in any other manner will not be considered. A period of 15 (Fifteen) days time (i.e, on or before 25.05.2023) to apply for rechecking of Answer scripts will be allowed to candidates with effect from the date on which the Eligibility List is uploaded in the website of the Commission.
- Candidates who wish to obtain a photocopy of their OMR Answer sheets (Part A & Part B) relating to this selection shall submit online application through their One Time Registration profile from the official website of the Commission, by remitting the prescribed fee of Rs.335 (Rupees three hundred and thirty five only) via e-payment mode available in the portal. A period of 15 (Fifteen) days time (i.e, on or before 25.05.2023) to apply for photocopy of OMR sheets will be allowed to candidates with effect from the date on which the Eligibility List is uploaded in the website of the Commission. Application submitted in any other manner will not be considered. A copy of the answer sheet will be issued only once to a candidate. Copies of OMR sheets invalidated due to any defect will not be issued.
- Candidates whose Register Numbers are invalidated are advised to refer to the invalidation Notification ERVII(1)676/2023/EW dated 24.03.2023