Bank jobs are one of the most lucrative jobs after graduation. These jobs are secure and provide an attractive salary with various perks and benefits. A vast number of candidates apply for banking exam, so it is much competitive for the aspirants. The written examination consists of two stages : prelims and mains examination. Each examination include subjects like English, Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning etc. General English is the most scoring and less time consuming area. The topics include Reading comprehension, error spotting, jumbled paragraph, fill in the blanks etc. Attempt the daily practice quiz 19 for banking exam for free. In this article, we have provided ‘Cloze Test’ questions from English section.
English Language Topics
- Reading Comprehension
- Jumbled Paragraph
- Multiple Meaning / Error Spotting
- Fill in the blanks
- Miscellaneous
- Paragraph Completion
- Vocabulary
- Phrase replacement
- English grammar
- Idioms
- Sentence improvement
- Odd one out in Sentence
Daily Practice Quiz 19 – Cloze Test – English Quiz for IBPS PO, Clerk Exam
Daily Practice quiz 19 consists of 10 questions from ‘Cloze Test’ section
[qsm quiz=21]Download Entri App for the solution!
English is one of the most important subject for competitive examination like banking. Entri App provides you with number of mock tests which are important for competitive examination. You can learn the basics through the video classes given by expert teachers. Attempt mock tests regularly in order to improve speed and confidence-level. . After attempting the test, you will be able to know your weak areas and Entri will help you improve on that section. Stay tuned with us in order to attain your dream job!
Best of luck for your upcoming examination!
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