Table of Contents
Essential Days in May is noteworthy for numerous competitive exams. The days and dates should be maintained untouched in remembrance. The rehearsal for any of the competitive exams will be unfinished if you are not ready adequately to remember the crucial dates and months per year. The important days are significantly based on the events, incidents, or themes associated with them. It is not an effortless duty to remember the substantial days and dates of every month. The important days recreate an essential function in any of the exams like CPO, Railway exam, CHSL, MTS, SSC, CGL, UPSC, KPSC, Banking, etc. The learners who are equipping for the exam discover it problematic to memorize all the dates by heart. This article can help those candidates who are trying to find a better way to learn all the important days in May.
Associate each day with the words associated with it and identify the significance of each day. The candidates who are preparing for any of the competitive exams should know the theme behind each day. The events of the incidents associated with each day can be used as the most suitable harbor to learn about each specific day.
The dates can be remembered efficiently by understanding the important piece associated with them. The students can make reports associated per day and combine them with the dates to complete the memorizing task easily. Comprehend to report the consequential dates in your brief directive and rectify them every day. The sufficiently achievable route is to attach each month with an account and remember the circumstances smoothly. The memory power can also be increased with the help of the games, test series, and quizzes related to the important days.
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Learn Important Days in May: Trick 1
On 1st Labour Day, 2 astronomers accepted 3 press freedom prizes 4 fought against conflagration. 5 athletes on the 8th Red Cross day bore measures for designing 11 technologies in 17 telecommunication, 18 museums, 20 Metrology, and 22 Bio-diversity to contradict (anti) aggression terrorism. 12 Nurses on 10th world Mothers day served 15 families of 29 UN peacekeepers who were distracted and stressed out from major diseases, 19 from Hepatitis, 25 from Thyroid, 12 from hypertension, and 31 from Tobacco diseases.
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Learn Important Days in May: Trick 2
1: Who was the first woman President of India?
Here it goes, the best way to connect important days with events associated with daily life can be used as the best technique to tackle the important days. 2 Tuna fish desired to listen to the 3rd press freedom conference, with 10 migratory birds on the 10th full moon day.11 National Technology instruments are maintained for scrutinizing the 15th International families, and they are associates of the 17 Telecommunication and information society. At the commencement of the discussion 21 Anti-terrorist detachments are presenting a speech nearly 21 cultural diversity for dialogue and development pursued by 22 biological arguments are instructed to 23 women to end obstetric fistula at the future of the forum. 29 UN peacekeepers were vested for discovery out 31 modes to enforce the No Tobacco project.
List of Important Days in May
2nd May – World Tuna day
3rd May – World Press Freedom day
10th May – World Migratory Bird Day, “Vesak” the day of the Full Moon
11th May – National Technology Day
15th May – International Day of Families
17th May – World Telecommunication and Information Society Day
21st May – World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development
22nd May – International Day for Biological diversity
23rd May – International Day to End Obstetric Fistula
29th May – International Day of UN Peacekeepers
31st May – World No Tobacco Day
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