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Accent reduction is also known as accent modification to speak more naturally. When your accent is too strong, you find it difficult to sound like a native English speaker. To avoid such a situation, you need to practice accent reduction tips and techniques that can help you to sound like a proficient English language speaker.
Do you want to know the top secret accent reduction tips? Read here!
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Accent Reduction
Accent reduction is no joke. If you are a speaker who wishes to speak English naturally, you need to practice your speaking skills and wait for visible improvement. It is neither a communication barrier nor a disorder. Non-native speakers tend to sound too strong while they handle the English language. The accent reduction allows you to practice spoken English more effectively. It won’t sever your ties with your cultural background.
Clear articulation is the key to better communication. You have to learn to actively participate in any conversation to understand the gravity of your language skills. You have to find opportunities to use the newfound accent reduction tips in your everyday conversation to sound like a master in language.
You have to give focus on how to pronounce certain sounds with proper rhythm, stress, and intonation. The accent of individuals belonging to each cultural and linguistic background may differ. Eliminating the practiced-year-old accent is pretty difficult. But learning how to reduce the accent and polish your pronunciation might hit differently. Learn the accent reduction tips here.
Migration is a common reality now. Many immigrants are entering the purely English environment with their accent, which is different from others. Depending on the country and the region, the accent of the speakers may differ. We can’t just imagine people from multiple lands speaking with the same accent. Every speaker has a unique accent.
Top 10 Accent Reduction Tips
Accent reduction is a thing that most people struggle with. Some people grasp the accent reduction tips over time. While others find it hard. The accent training would allow you to reduce your accent over time. The accent training can help you to find an apt solution to get rid of your strong accent.
The accent reduction mainly focuses on intonation, pitch, rhythm, etc. American English has a unique intonation when compared to other languages. You have to learn to pronounce words correctly by aptly reducing the accent.
Speak Slowly
It is a lot easier to understand the words and phrases that you use in a sentence if you speak slowly. Speak slowly to decipher the exact meaning and give time to yourself to correct your accent. You can train yourself to reduce your accent once you start speaking slowly. This will allow the listener more time to understand what you are trying to communicate. You can ask the immediate listeners to correct the accent or to point out the areas where they find difficulty in understanding your accent. Once you master the language, you can speak pretty much faster compared to the initial stages. Anyway, learn to speak slowly and steadily.
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Practice makes you perfect every time. Learn to practice your English accent by speaking to your learning partners. English language learning is not an easy cup of tea. You need to understand the gravity of using the correct accent. Read aloud and talk aloud to identify the errors and rectify the mistakes by yourself. The British accent and American accent have differences mostly in the word endings. Learn how to pronounce the last sound of each word. Some are voiceless whereas others are voiced. Learn to use the proper accent with clarity. Practice everyday conversation and how you are going to engage yourself in the conversation.
Self Confidence
Learn the nuances of language. Accent reduction can be achieved through thorough practice. Self-confidence is the cherry on the top of the cake. Be confident to face the crowd. Once your practice sessions are over, learn to use the proper accent. If you believe that you can do it, you can see your improvement. When you engage yourself in a conversation, make sure you use the correct accent with confidence. When you lack confidence, you cannot automatically properly use the language.
Give more focus while you speak consonants and vowels. The use of consonants can make big difference. Indulge yourself in the conversation and check whether you are using the correct accent. The accent reduction starts with you observing the falling and rising tone or intonation. Pronounce each word correctly and try to incorporate the correct pronunciation the next time you speak.
Listen to Yourself
Accent reduction can be practiced more effectively if you could listen to how you speak. Trace out the errors and rectify them the next time you speak. Your voice modulation can also be accessed. You need to understand the mistakes that you often commit while you speak. Learn to use the tape to understand your pitfalls. You can stay motivated once you find your own mistakes and try to solve them. Learn with Entri to have a personal mentor to assist you in your accent journey.
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Learn the Intonation
It is important to learn the intonation to correct your accent. Accent reduction can be practiced only when you learn the proper use of intonation. The intonation can be rising and fall depending on the structure of the words. Learn how to intonate each word and commit yourself to using it accurately. Practicing aloud can help you to intonate. The intonation will help the listener to understand what you are intended to communicate.
Learn How to Stress
There are words with strong and weak stress. Learn the stress pattern of words before using them in sentences. The strong and weak stress determines the overall mood of the sentence. The stress pattern will also give a strong hold on where to emphasize. Based on the stress pattern, the listener could identify the importance of each action in a sentence. Learning stress patterns can help you to reduce the accent and speak with more clarity
Avoid Using Slang
While you are at the initial stage of learning language, avoid using slang. The slang will only give a blurred idea about what you are intended to communicate as you speak rather quickly in slang. Master the accent, intonation, and stress pattern in English first. Once you master the accent reduction, you can use the slang again
Learn to Tackle the Difficult Sounds
Some sounds in English are pretty much hard. The difficult sounds in English should be tackled as easily as possible. The vowel sounds, diphthongs, and consonants should be pronounced according to IPA rules. Standard pronunciation should be practiced. Some sounds glide from one vowel sound to another which leaves an altogether different Pronunciation. The Pronunciation of such words has nothing to do with individual vowels. You have to be careful while using the diphthongs. The accent training can help you to understand the difficult sounds in English and how to pronounce them like a pro
Work with A Personal Tutor
A personal tutor can help you with accent training. Accent reduction is something that you ought to learn while you are in an English-speaking environment. Proper guidance and one-to-one communication can help you to achieve the goal. Personal tutors can help you to correct your accent while talking to them.
Your current accent can play as a vilian which prevents you from using your accent properly. Getting rid of the current accent can be achieved only once you are in a position to receive attention from a tutor.
Proper guidance can help you to become a speaker with the proper accent.
Entri English Spoken English course will provide you with one such endeavour aimed at improving the accent of non-native speakers who struggle daily with language barriers. The English language can help to get placed in their dream job or do whatever they like to do.
Proper practice and better training sessions can help you achieve your dream. Entri team willingly supports students with a customized plan to learn English better. The six-month valid course under the guidance of a expert language trainer can make difference. The course offers a syllabus that is designed to understand the nuances of language.
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A personal mentor will be assigned to each student. The students will get platforms to speak confidently. Conversational labs can prove the worth of each learner. The mentors can assist you anytime you prefer. You can download the video and audio lectures for later with ease. Entri English assists you at the hardest times of your life. Join the course now and see the difference.