Table of Contents
Every year IBPS recruits thousands of graduates to the Probationary Officer post through all India recruitment. Being one of the highly competitive banking tests in the country, every year the cut-off scores and applicants numbers are increasing rapidly for the IBPS PO. IBPS PO preparation must be undertaken by the people who are preparing for the entrance examination in the Institute of Banking personnel selection. IBPS PO preparation tips 2022 will help the candidates to know more about the tips and tricks that they can incorporate in their daily life in order to crack the probationary officer entrance examination. IBPS PO 2022 preparation must be in line with the syllabus and the examination pattern presented by the authorities. IBPS PO prelims preparation will help you to crack the preliminary examination. Given below we are sharing some of the most important specifications related to the IBPS PO Preparation Tips 2022 – Preparation Strategy.
Click here to attempt a free IBPS PO 2022 Full-length Mock Test
IBPS PO 2022 Topics To Cover
IBPS PO 2022 preparation strategy must be taken into consideration by checking out the list of important topics that you need to complete before going to give the entrance examination. The candidates must go through the list of important topics that they need to cover and then they will be eligible to give the entrance examination and crack it on their first try. Given below we are sharing the list of important topics that you need to cover for the entrance examination of Institute of Banking personnel selection and also the details related to the exam.
Reasoning Ability Topics
Reasoning Ability Topics |
Seating Arrangements | Verbal Reasoning |
Inequalities | Distance and Direction |
Syllogism | Alphanumeric Series |
Puzzles | Order and Ranking |
Input and Output | Blood Relations |
Data Sufficiency | – |
English Language
English Language Topics |
Cloze Test | Para Jumbles |
Spotting Errors | Reading Comprehension |
Sentence Correction | Fill in the Blanks |
Sentence Improvement | Para or Sentence Completion |
Quantitative Aptitude Section
Quantitative Aptitude Topics |
Data Interpretation | Mensuration |
Simplification/ Approximation | Average |
Number Series | Profit and Loss |
Quadratic Equation | Probability |
Data Sufficiency | Relations |
Ratio and Proportion | Time and Distance |
Simple and Compound Interest | Work, Time, and Energy |
1: What does the acronym "ATM" stand for in banking?
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Join Now!IBPS PO 2022 Relevant Study Materials
IBPS PO study material free download link is available at the official website of a good platform and through that link, you will be able to get most of the information related to the Institute of Banking personnel selection probationary officer vacancy presented by the authorities. You can also check out the latest books available on the platform that will help you to know more about the syllabus which is included in this entrance examination. Given below we are sharing the list of books that you will be needing to prepare for the entrance examination.
- Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations- R.S. Agarwal
- Fast Track Objective Arithmetic- Rajesh Verma
- Quantitative Aptitude – Arun Sharma
- Objective General English by S.P. Bakshi
- Objective General English by S.J Thakur and S. K Raut
- Wiley’s Exam Xpert Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension by Wiley Publications
- Descriptive General English by S.P. Bakshi and Richa Sharma
- Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning- R.S. Aggarwal
IBPS PO 2022 Tips and Tricks
There are a lot of different tips and tricks that will help the candidates to know more about the procedure that they need to follow in order to get the entrance examination presented by the Institute of Banking personnel selection. The candidates can incorporate the tips and tricks in their daily life so that they can make a study schedule to help them remember each and every topic that we need to cover in the entrance examination. Given below we are sharing some of the most important tips and tricks that you need to follow in order to prepare for the entrance examination presented by the Institute of Banking personnel selection for the vacancy of probationary officer:-
- English Language: The syllabus for the English Language section is almost the same for prelims and mains exams. To score good marks in this section, you should read newspapers and magazines. Besides, brush up your grammar and vocabulary from the high school grammar books.
- Reasoning Ability: Reasoning Ability is the scoring section. You can prepare this section by solving previous years’ question papers and mock tests. Practice puzzles and seating arrangements since these topics cover a major portion. Besides, increase your command on other topics such as Coding-Decoding, Inequality, syllogism.
- General Awareness and Descriptive section: Read newspapers, magazines, and books to prepare both the sections as it helps you to brush up the current affairs as well as grammatical knowledge.
- Quantitative Aptitude: You need to be clear with the basic concepts of Quantitative Aptitude. The majority of questions are asked from Data Interpretation, therefore, you should give special focus on this topic. Revise short tricks on a regular basis and attempt sectional tests to improve performance. The short-cut tricks help in the calculation of problems related to squares, cubes, percentage values, etc.
- Computer Aptitude: This is the easiest section and spending one hour daily helps you to score good marks. Learn the basics of computers, history of the computer, short-cut keys, internet browser, MS excel, spreadsheets, etc.
Attempt free Reasoning Ability mock tests for your IBPS PO 2022 exams
IBPS PO 2022 Exam Strategies
The authorities of the Institute of Banking personnel selection can take into consideration various patterns to construct the question paper for the entrance examination conducted by them for the vacancy of the probationary officer but the candidates can crack the entrance examination if they have taken into consideration the examination strategies as per the previous year questions and the mock test that they have practised online. Given below we are sharing some of the most important examination strategies that you can undertake and prepare for the entrance examination according.
- Making a study plan is an important part of preparation. Aspirants should aim to cover the syllabus and include revision of topics periodically. The study plan should include analyzing previous years’ bank exam question papers and identifying important topics for the exam.
- You need to solve mock tests to stay updated with the type of questions asked in the bank exams. It also gives you a good idea of your level of preparation as well as to find out your weak and strong areas.
- Reading newspapers is an important part of IBPS PO preparation. You should read newspapers regularly, especially the business pages, to cover current affairs for the exam.
- Analyzing the previous years’ question papers helps you to apprehend the level of examination and also understand the exact exam pattern. You will be able to review questions from which topics are frequently asked in the exam and which ones are less important from the exam point of view.
- Get well aware of the minimum qualifying marks from the previous years’ IBPS PO cut Off. Also, analyze the trend in the increase or decrease in the cut-off marks.
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Are you ready to take your banking career aspirations to new heights? Join Entri App's Bank Exam Coaching program to kickstart your preparations!
Join Now!IBPS PO 2022 Mock Tests
Practising mock tests are the prime factor for the success of the candidate in any competitive exam. Entri has come up with 1000+ mock tests which will help you crack the exam with ease. They are the closest alternative to the real test. It will challenge you in the same way the real exam will and if you do well in these mock tests, you will certainly do well in the real exam. All mock tests are based on the latest exam pattern. There are sectional mock tests and live mock tests that will help you in building confidence to attend the real exam. You can practice the mock test according to the various subjects included in the entrance examination. Given below we are sharing the table indicating the various Mock Tests available at our platform according to the various subjects included in this entrance examination.
Exam | Link |
Quantitative aptitude practise quiz |
Reasoning ability practice quiz | |
English practice quiz |
Attempt a free IBPS PO 2022 Sectional mock tests to ace your Preparation
Once your concepts are cleared, try to attend all the exams and mock tests including that of SBI, insurance, Railway, and SSC so that you can increase the speed and accuracy. Practice more questions from the topic where you felt you took more time to solve in the mock tests. You can attempt Entri‘s daily rank booster quiz which includes the previously asked IBPS questions and most probably asked topics and question patterns. You should spend at least a couple of hours daily on each section. Entri wishes you all the best for your IBPS PO 2022 examinations. Start your IBPS PO 2022 preparation today itself with our free mock tests, and classes. In Entri, you can access hundreds of free mock tests, previous year question papers, video classes, discussion groups, live classes, etc to improve your study progress.