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World Marriage Day 2025: “World Marriage Day honors husband and wife as the foundation of the family, the basic unit of society. It salutes the beauty of their faithfulness, sacrifice and joy in daily married life.”
World Marriage Day is observed on the second Sunday of February every year. This year it falls on the 13th of February. It is observed to honor the lifelong commitment of husband and wife.
Marriage is a legally and socially sanctioned union, usually between a man and a woman, that is regulated by laws, rules, customs and beliefs. Families are a result of marriages and it establishes the rights and obligations between the couple, as well as between them and their children. It is an equal and lifelong partnership between a man and a woman.
History of World Marriage Day
World Marriage Day was originally created by an American organization named Worldwide Marriage Encounter. The observance of World Marriage Day began in Baton, Rouge, Louisiana, in the United States in the early 1980s. It was the result of a movement led by several couples who requested that the mayor of the city, the governor of the state, and the Bishop of the church should honor married couples by declaring St. Valentine’s Day as “We Believe in World Marriage Day”. Within a year, 43 out of the nation’s 50 states started celebrating the day and the celebrations even spread to U.S military bases across the world. In 1983 the name was changed to World Marriage Day and was decided to celebrate the day on the second Sunday of February every year. In 1993, Pope John Paul II of the Catholic Church placed his official blessing on the day.
The symbol of World Marriage Day (WMD) uses two people as candle-like figures that are meant to show that the love of a marriage is often used to help bring light to the world. The symbol then joins the couple with a heart, representing the power of love and unity that can give life and inspiration to others.
Theme of World Marriage Day 2025
1: Who was the first woman President of India?
World Marriage Day is celebrated annually on the second Sunday of February, which falls on February 9th in 2025. The theme for World Marriage Day 2025 is “Marriage: Source of Hope, Spring of Renewal. Pursue a Lasting Love!”
This theme emphasizes the importance of marriage as a foundation for hope and renewal, encouraging couples to strive for enduring love in their relationships. World Marriage Day, along with National Marriage Week (February 7-14), provides an opportunity to focus on building a culture of life and love by supporting and promoting marriage and family.
How to Celebrate World Marriage Day
Couples can find a number of ways to celebrate this way. They can take this opportunity to revive their vows and strengthen their marital bond. Couples can go for a date, a get away or a staycation. People can encourage other couples to celebrate and the day and help others to do so by offering to baby sit their children, gifting books on marriage etc. Many organizations all over the world conduct World Marriage Day events to honor the commitment and benefits of the institution of marriage. Couples can take part in such events.
Here are some books that can help enrich your marriage or can be picked up for gifting.
- Intimate Graces by Teresa Tomeo.
- Couple Prayer by Bob & Kathy Ovies
- Three Secrets to Holiness in Marriage by Dan & Amber Dematte
- The Five Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman
- Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff in Love by Richard Carlson, Ph D. and Kristine Carlson
- Marriage, Small Steps, Big Rewards by Dr. Ray Guarandi
- Thinking Like Jesus by Dr. Ray Guarandi
- The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work Dr. John M. Gottman and Nan Silver
- Loving Your Spouse When You Feel Like Walking Away by Dr. Gary Chapman
- The Art of Loving by Erich Fromm
World Marriage Day Quotes 2025
- Weddings bring together two perfect individuals. Wish all these couples a very Happy World Marriage Day.
- To have a successful marriage you both need to think together rather than think alike.
- Marriage is all about being the best team and the perfect versions of each other when together.
- You do not marry someone you can stay with but you someone without whom you know you cannot stay.
- Marriages do not last only because of the good times but because the hard times were handled with love and care.
- Marriage is all about promising your loved one to stay when the hard times strike in and try to ruin everything that you both share. Its about staying strong through the storm.
- The wrinkles on your face are not the sign of how much you have aged but of the happy married life that you have led all through the years.
- Success in life always does not come as a paycheck but sometimes it comes as finding the right person and getting married to them so you can spend a happy and peaceful life.
- A happy marriage is an endless sleepover with your favorite person.
- In marriage we learn to find love by seeing a imperfect person to be perfect. That is the very essence of a happy married life.
World Marriage Day 2025 Quiz
Q1. World marriage day (WMD) is observed annually on _____________.
(a) 13th February
(b) 2nd February
(c) Second Sunday of February
(d) Second Saturday of February
Q2. What is the theme of World Marriage Day (WMD)?
(a) Together Forever
(b) Love one another
(c) You and I
(d) We are a team
Q3. World Marriage Day (WMD) was initially known as_______________.
(a) We Believe in World Marriage Day
(b) Valentines Day
(c) World Wedding Day
(d) World Couples Day
Q4. The symbol of World Marriage Day (WMD) is______________.
(a) A heart
(b) Two hearts
(c) Two people
(d) A star
Q5. ________________ of the Catholic Church placed his official blessing on the day.
(a)St Clement I CLEMENS
(b) Pope John Paul II
(c) St Peter
(d) Pope Francis Jorge Mario Bergoglio
Marriage is considered to be the backbone of any family. It brings great joy as well as challenges. The fate of the relationship depends on how the couple manages the balance between these two. Marriage changes ones daily routines, way of living and maybe even ones personality, but with love, care, some amount of sacrifice and adjustments , the journey of life with your soulmate does become a cherished one. As someone rightly said, “Not every relationship is sunshine and daisies, sometimes marriages are about holding an umbrella together through the rain.”