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Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC) had brought forward the notification of the releasing of admit card for the skill test of Personal Assistant in the category of High Court Staff recently. The admit card of the Mains exam is released. Read the below-given information to know further about the examination and the admit card. Applicants who are planning to appear for the mains examination are required to download the admit card from the official website of Uttarakhand Public Service Commission. Read further and know the UKPSC PA 2021 Skill Test Admit Card.
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How to Download the UKPSC PA Admit Card?
- Visit the official website of the Uttarakhand Public Service Commission
- Enter the required details suggested in the website
- Or enter the login email or registration number and date of birth to get access into the personal profile screen
- After logging in the admit card window, click on the provided admit card option
- When the admit card appears, click print and download a copy of the admit card
- Candidates are required to keep a copy of the admit card before going for the examination
To be noted
- The candidates must make sure they have a copy of the admit card and other documents prescribed by the examination board, before appearing for the examination
- A failure in providing the already mentioned documents or admit card can cause nullification of the procedure. So, candidates must recheck and verify the availability of the documents and admit card
- If any error found in the admit card, the candidates are required to let the examination board aware about the mistake and try to correct if possible.
- If any correction is needed, candidates can receive the advice from the examination board and do according before appearing for the examination.
- The candidates must make sure the name, date of birth and prominent personal details are error-free
UKPSC PA Eligibility
1: Who was the first woman President of India?
The candidates who have applied for the examination shall look forward for the eligibility criteria too. If any error occurs, it can result in the nullification of the recruitment procedure. The candidates can re check the eligibility criteria mentioned by the examination board of Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC)
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Education Qualification
- The candidates who are wishing to acquire the post of Uttarakhand Public Service Commission Personal Assistant in the category of High Court Staff must possess a Bachelor’s degree from any recognised university established by Law in India or from any other equivalent university as accepted by the government of India
- They must also be well versed in law and a must possess knowledge in English shorthand and typewriting with a minimum speed of 40wpm in English and shorthand English dictation with a minimum speed of 100wpm
Age Limit
- UKPSC PA 2021 Skill Test Admit Card Released. The age limit mentioned by the Uttarakhand Public Service Commission Personal Assistant in the category of High Court Staff stands in between 21 and 35
UKPSC PA Exam Pattern
- UKPSC PA 2021 Skill Test Admit Card Released. There will be screening test initially, the candidates who are appearing for the Uttarakhand Public Service Commission Personal Assistant in the category of High Court Staff must go face the screening test with the prescribed subjects of General Hindi, General Studies and General Intelligence Test
- After the screening test the written test with the paper I with the subjects General Knowledge and English Language will be there
- After the paper I examination there will be practical examination for the qualified candidates. The paper ii includes the typing test and shorthand test
- The candidates must go through the typing test and shorthand test too to acquire the post
The candidates can check the eligibility criteria and can download the admit card for the examination from the official website. The candidates who strive to achieve a government job can always look forward to Entri App for better guidance. Entri provides a wide range of study methodologies which enable the participants to achieve better and score one step ahead. Its always better to have a perfect guide in a successful journey, especially in competitive examinations. Candidates who are interested to learn with Entri can download the Entri App and start learning today. Your dream job is not too far then.
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