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There are so many reasons to code your ERP system in the language of your choice, but it can be difficult to decipher which of these reasons are actually important and which ones don’t actually matter at all! With that in mind, we’ve pulled together our top 10 reasons to code your ERP system in one language or another, so you can make an informed decision and not just take the approach that seems easiest. Here they are!
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It Makes Your Job Easier
Coding your own ERP system allows you to save time and money. It can be used for many other applications. Easy to make changes without waiting for a programmer: The best part of coding your own system is that if there are changes you want to be made, you can change them easily without waiting on a programmer. You know exactly what it’s doing: Coding, in general, is very technical and when you program an application like an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System, it gets even more complex because every function is running together. Being able to see how each piece works in combination with all of its peers, along with knowing how they are all affecting each other, makes it easier to debug problems and better understand how your software works.
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You Have More Time To Develop Core Competencies
Writing code and developing software is time-consuming, but there are a lot of ways around that. With an off-the-shelf package, you don’t have to spend time on development—you can get straight to business. This gives you more time for those initiatives that will push your business forward. You will be set up for future success: Off-the-shelf packages mean you won’t need to worry about updating your system. These packages come with a wide range of functionality from day one, so new features can simply be added later on rather than having to create them from scratch.
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The Code Improves With Time
Once you’ve developed a strong coding skillset, you will be able to easily update and change your code when necessary. When you’re using an off-the-shelf solution that was written in Visual Basic in 1997, it will be virtually impossible for you to add or remove functionalities without taking hours or even days. Many of today’s programmers are actually business analysts who can communicate their ideas with users but lack any solid programming skills. The results are often disastrous as business owners struggle with non-functional software riddled with bugs that cause havoc in their daily operations. Imagine if they had coded it themselves, they would have been able to make all the changes they needed within a few minutes!
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You Won’t have any vendor lock-in problems
With off-the-shelf software, you never know if your vendor is going to suddenly change its licensing policies or stop supporting your system. This can leave you with a headache trying to figure out where to migrate your information. Writing an ERP system in-house lets you avoid those problems. It also lets you control how and when features are added or modified, which can help ensure functionality doesn’t break as it grows.
Companies Prefer Companies That Already Code Their System
It’s a known fact that companies looking for companies that already have a developed system will always choose them rather than companies that don’t have any software. If you are an organization that doesn’t have your own software, most of your partners and clients will not trust you. This means that you won’t get any new customers or clients either. However, if you already have your own system, then it gives you a competitive advantage over others. In addition to everything else, people would definitely prefer buying systems from organizations that already have their own systems rather than those who don’t; they feel safe while dealing with them as they know where their data is going to be stored and what happens to it after selling it on.
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It Reduces Technology Risks
Developing software in-house can be risky. First, you have to pick a programming language, which requires you to make an educated decision based on factors such as developer experience, existing talent and training resources, and the expected lifespan of developers. There are hundreds of languages available, so picking one is tough; however, if your business doesn’t already have an established language in use internally or if it’s looking for specific needs like data encryption or easier integration with third-party apps (e.g., Salesforce), it will take more time to develop a custom solution.
It Increases The Overall Quality Of Your Software Product
If you have development tools in place and your team works using them, your code will be cleaner. This leads to a higher-quality product which, in turn, increases user adoption and your company’s reputation. Technical debt takes an upfront investment but will help keep things together long term by giving you a system that’s less cumbersome to manage. If something breaks, it can be fixed quickly: Having technical debt is like having a loan—if you don’t pay it off, interest will add up and make things harder on yourself in future projects. When unexpected things happen or problems occur with existing systems, developers aren’t forced to scramble for fixes—the fixes are already available if they need them.
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Reduces Bugs In Future Versions
You don’t want bugs in your program. If you don’t want bugs, why not avoid them? One of these ways is having other people code and test it for you. You might run into problems on purpose, but they are much less likely to occur. To make sure things do not happen as you don’t intend them, several users may have their own private copies of your source code and study it line by line. The more eyes are on your programming language, giving constructive criticism; the better your software will be.
Best Practices Stay In Place
Planning ahead and thinking about what best practices you want to apply in your new system will give you a good head start on making sure it stays together. By identifying those best practices early on, you can make sure that they are in place from day one, rather than trying to implement them later when it’s harder and more expensive. If possible, include some of your legacy code into your new system as well (i.e., pre-write parts of it) so that you can pick up right where you left off without too much disruption. If nothing else, it will help keep costs down by saving time and money spent re-writing everything from scratch.
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More Resources On How To Code Than How Not To Code
In addition to your own technical staff and consultants, there is a multitude of resources online for learning how to code an ERP system. This can be both helpful and frustrating. The knowledge is accessible but it’s up to you as an enterprise manager to determine what’s relevant information and what’s just noise. With so many guides and lessons available, you might feel like everyone else has already cracked open their business coding books—and it feels too late for you as a small business manager. Take heart: Small businesses are at more of an advantage in tech than they realize. When a corporation is building out its systems, they’re expected to have access (to some degree) across departments that communicate through IT solutions. If you are interested to learn new coding skills, the Entri app will help you to acquire them very easily. Entri app is following a structural study plan so that the students can learn very easily. If you don’t have a coding background, it won’t be any problem. You can download the Entri app from the google play store and enroll in your favorite course.