We all know that English language plays a crucial role in competitive exams like PSC, SSC, Banking exams etc. So if you are aiming to crack those examination, you should have a strong command in your English language skills. Vocabulary is one of the most crucial topic of English subject. Vocabulary refers to all the words in a language that is known and used by a particular person. It is essential not only for competitive exams, but it is the fundamental tool for communication and acquiring knowledge. In order to help you in improving your vocabulary skills, Entri will provide you with Weekly English Vocabulary based on Hindu editorial every Friday. Reading the daily Hindu editorial is highly recommended for candidates who are aspiring for competitive exams. In this blog, we have given some questions based on Vocabulary with answer and solutions.
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1. Choose the word with the following meaning.
Student who is leaving secondary school and going to university after taking the final examination.
(e)None of these
Abiturient – student who is leaving secondary school and going to university after taking the final examination.
Abiectic – of, like or pertaining to fir trees or fir sap.
Abecedarian – of, like or pertaining to the order of the alphabet; rudimentary.
Aberdevine – alternate name for the siskin.
2. Choose the word with the following meaning.
Disease resembling alcoholism.
Absinthism – disease resembling alcoholism.
Abradant – a substance that abrades.
Abyssopelagic – of, like or pertaining to the depths of the ocean.
Acarophobia – fear of itching or of insects causing itching.
3. Choose the word with the following meaning.
One whose hair has never been cut.
Acersecomic – one whose hair has never been cut.
Aceldama – site or scene of violence or bloodshed.
Acequia – irrigation ditch.
Achroous – colourless.
4. Choose the word with the following meaning.
Colour-blindness with respect to green.
Achloropsia – colour-blindness with respect to green.
Achaenocarp – Any dry indehiscent fruit.
Achromatopsia – colour-blindness.
Acciaccatura – very short note played before a longer one.
5. Choose the word with the following meaning.
Pretentious or deceptive nonsense.
Ackamarackus – Pretentious or deceptive nonsense.
Achor – eruption or scab on the head.
Acouasm – ringing noise in head.
Acoria – pathologically great appetite.
6. Choose the word with the following meaning.
Five things with four at corners and one in middle.
Quincunx – five things with four at corners and one in middle.
Quilombo – remote settlement where fugitive slaves hide.
Quietus – discharge from life; extinction; death; silencing.
Quindecagon – plane figure having fifteen sides.
7. Choose the word with the following meaning.
Leader of five men.
Quincurion – leader of five men
Quindene – fourteenth day after a holy festival.
Quinnat – the king salmon.
Quinsell – horse’s rein.
8. Choose the word with the following meaning.
One who aids the enemy or a puppet leader supported by foreign power.
Solution:Quisling – one who aids the enemy or a puppet leader supported by foreign power.
Quiritary – in accordance with Roman civil law.
Quintroon – old term for someone who is of 1/16 black descent.
Quinzhee – snow shelter with domed chamber dug into it.
9. Choose the word with the following meaning.
Small nominal rent paid to commute feudal service.
Quitrent – small nominal rent paid to commute feudal service.
Quoad – with respect to; as regards.
Quodlibet – philosophical argument of disputation; humorous medley.
Quotition – a division regarded as a repeated subtraction.
10. Choose the word with the following meaning.
Perplexing or difficult to deal with.
Quisquous – perplexing or difficult to deal with.
Quiritation – complaining; lamentation.
Quisle – to betray.
Quizzacious – satirical.
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We hope this blog was helpful for you in improving your knowledge in Vocabulary. Stay tuned with Entri for weekly vocabulary based on Hindu editorial, which will be published every Friday.