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With the rapid growth of fashion websites, more and more tech-savvy entrepreneurs are trying their hand at designing them from scratch. With so many programming languages to choose from, however, it can be difficult to know which one is right for you and your business model in terms of simplicity, security, integration, ease of use, etc. The following six programming languages are among the most popular ones used to design fashion websites today, and they include some of the best options out there. If you have a fashion business and need to create a website for it, then programming languages such as HTML, CSS, PHP, and JavaScript are your best bet in order to get things done efficiently and effectively.
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One of the most popular programming languages, PHP is still widely used. It is a server-side programming language which means it sends code to a computer’s web server. It was created in 1994 by Rasmus Lerdorf as an open-source project for building dynamic websites using HTML. As of today, more than 80% of all websites have at least one piece of code written in PHP. The popularity and simplicity of PHP have earned it such nicknames as the grandmother of web languages and the duct tape that holds back evil internet developers. If you are looking to build your own e-commerce website, PHP will be your best choice because there are numerous tools available that make life easier while writing programs in this language. Programming Languages To Code a Fashion Business Website You need to be fluent in HTML, CSS, Javascript, and PHP because these are all coding languages that allow you to create a website for your fashion business with little effort on your part.
- Server-side programming language.
- There are numerous tools available.
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Ruby was built in 10 days by programmer Yukihiro Matsumoto. It’s one of several languages known as scripting languages, meaning they aren’t compiled before running. Because they are interpreted directly by an application, scripting languages are often more lightweight and don’t require complicated installation processes. That being said, Ruby isn’t particularly scalable or performant in terms of its memory usage—and it doesn’t support multi-threaded programming without extra effort. Programming Languages To Code a Fashion Business Website Once you have your website design in place, you need to think about what type of programming languages will be needed to code your site and make it functional.
- Known as scripting language.
- It is more lightweight.
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Python is one of my favorite languages. It has excellent libraries and it’s easy to write readable code. Python is also relatively forgiving, which makes it easier to debug if you’re just getting started. I think starting with Python would be beneficial because it allows you to create basic web pages that help build your understanding of how languages work, even if you decide not to pursue a career in programming. In fact, several programming boot camps suggest learning Python before moving on to another language. Businesses all over America have taken to using a programming language to create and run their fashion websites in order to more effectively sell their products online and meet customer demands.
- Easy to write readable code.
- Easier to debug if you are a beginner.
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Developed in 1987, Perl is one of today’s most popular programming languages. This dynamic, yet complex language is used for web development and networking operations. In many cases, Perl works alongside other technologies to manage data and information. For example, if you use MySQL or PostgreSQL to store user information and WordPress as your blogging software platform, then Perl is likely going to be a part of your website’s foundation. GitHub projects such as Dancer and Mojolicious are coded using Perl. The latter refers to itself as the next generation of web application development framework on its Github page because it was developed to aid in creating scalable web applications quickly via an intuitive JSON configuration file.
- Managing data and information.
- Developed to aid in creating scalable web applications.
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Developed by Sun Microsystems in 1995, Java is a programming language that can be used to create both applications and applets. It has become increasingly popular with companies such as IBM who are looking to use cloud-based solutions. When developing a website for a fashion business, it’s important to choose a programming language that will create a visually pleasing site that can grow with your company’s needs and be accessible on any device from anywhere in the world. Java is also supported by several frameworks including Struts 2, Play! Framework, and Android. The simple syntax and fast compiler of Java make it an easy language to learn, which makes it ideal for beginners but still useful for more experienced developers. Learn more about java here. Programming Languages are important for coding a Fashion Business Website to make it accessible to all people, including those with disabilities and those who are not computer literate.
- Used to create both applications and applets.
- Easy language to learn.
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Microsoft’s .NET Framework is a programming platform that allows you to create and run software applications. Although it was originally intended to enable programmers to easily develop Windows applications, it has become increasingly popular in recent years as an alternative to Java for developing web applications. It’s not an obvious choice for fashion, but because of its inherently flexible architecture, .NET developers tend to find themselves with a wide range of opportunities available to them. If you’re interested in learning more about .NET, check out Microsoft’s WebMatrix or watch the TryCSharp video series on Channel 9. If you are interested to learn new coding skills, the Entri app will help you to acquire them very easily. Entri app is following a structural study plan so that the students can learn very easily. If you don’t have a coding background, it won’t be any problem. You can download the Entri app from the google play store and enroll in your favorite course.