Table of Contents
The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection conducts the IBPS RRB Exam to recruit officers who will head the various Regional Rural Banks (RRB) in India. The IBPS RRB Exam is of two phases. The Prelims and the Mains. The syllabus is not too vast but cannot be taken lightly either. The recruitment is done at two levels. They are as follows:
- Group A Officers: Scale-I (Assistant Manager), Scale-II(Manager), Scale-III(Senior Manager)
- Group B Office Assistants: Multipurpose Office Assistants.
Read on to find out how to attempt Mock Test for IBPS RRB Exam 2020. The Entri App is your best companion when it comes to this because it provides tons of Mock Tests and allows you to analyse them. Therefore, if you download the Entri App, you can improve your score considerably in the Examination.
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Tips to Know When Attempting Mock Tests
In this article, I will provide an insight into the preparation, mentality and tips to keep at the helm when you attempt Mock Test for the IBPS RRB exam. Read on and find out.
Know the Syllabus
There is nothing more awkward when sitting down to attempt a mock test but having no idea about the type of questions that will come and from what topic. But don’t worry, The Entri App has done it for you. Click here to find out. Once you learn the syllabus, make a schedule and stick to it. Master all the sections and their topics. You will be able to refine your skills by taking mock tests.
Beware of Negative Marking
Negative Marking exists in these papers and can prove disastrous to your hopes and ambitions. The negative marking is -0.25. Answering a question wrong brings about a loss of 1.25 marks This can make or break your chances of getting the dream job you’ve always wanted. So, you need to establish a strategy while answering questions and this needs to be formulated in the early stages. Therefore, you need a strategy when doing the mocks. If you do not know the answer, skip it. There is no use guessing as it can take a turn for the worse. However, if you are stuck between two answers and you know it is one of them, then go out on a limb and guess. This will make the chances of the guess being right 50%. Only do this if you are sure it is one of two options.
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Keep Time in Mind
In some of the exams, you’ll get roughly 45 minutes to attempt the paper and some others, you get 120 minutes. But, time can become scarce if you do not utilize it properly. You might find some sections harder than others or you may find some topics harder than others. But, you must be aware of what you think is time consuming. Before you attempt a mock, keep in mind how much time you’re going to dedicate to each section. Do not spend more than your own stipulated time in a particular section. If you finish early, then it’s all well and good. But, if you finish all the sections earlier than time then do make sure you double check. As you attempt more and more mock tests, you will build up speed. Then you can adjust the stipulated time quota as you wish.
Prioritize the topics
Since you will be allowed little time to attempt the questions, you will need to prioritize. My advice to you is to go with the easy topics first. Once you get that out of the way, you will be free to attempt the hard and time consuming topics. Doing the hard topics or the time consuming topics first may end up eating too much of your time. You may end up not answering the easy questions and losing precious marks in the process.
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Section-Wise Preparation Tips
1: What does the acronym "ATM" stand for in banking?
Now, I’m going to provide a few section wise preparation tips so you know exactly what to do in certain places.
English Section
This section majorly includes Reading Comprehension questions, so you need to be proficient at solving the Reading Comprehension questions. You also need to analyse the theme of paragraph. Learn all the basic grammar rules and build your vocabulary for solving the questions in the English Language section. It is suggested you go with this section as it is considered to be easy. A Reading Comprehension para may be followed by 5 questions. If your reading speed is very good, then go for this section first. You will be able to breeze through it and pick up lots of marks along the way.
Reasoning Section
Important topics like Seating Arrangement and Puzzles are frequently asked in the exam. For topics like Puzzle, pay attention to the variables involved. For Seating Arrangement questions, note down the direct information. Understand the logic and solve questions from this topic by making diagrams. You should have an idea of how to approach the questions in the right way for solving them quickly. You can get more tips on how to solve reasoning section on the Entri Blog.
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Quantitative Aptitude
Start with important topics like Number Series, Quadratic Equation, Data Interpretation. Learn all the important formulas and understand the theoretical concepts. For tricky topics like Probability, Time-Speed-Distance, Permutation -combination, Time-Work and Mensuration-Geometry, you need to understand the basics and learn all the formulas of the topics. Learn quick math preferably with Vedic math techniques. This is to improve your calculation speed so you can attempt as many questions as possible in the limited time frame.
General Awareness
This is the least time consuming section but it requires pre requisite knowledge of current affairs and static GK. You need to keep yourself updated with the current happenings of the world. Further, know the abbreviations of the banking terms and read newspapers regularly. Do not take this section lightly as doing so may come to bite you in the back.
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This was the guide on how to Attempt Mock Test for IBPS RRB Exam 2020. If you implement these tips and strategies in your next mock tests attempt, you might find yourself scoring considerably higher. But, to help you in your preparation and to get mock tests, download the Entri App. You can even analyse your performance and look into the sections where you could have done better, where you spent too much time, your average time to solve a question and such essential statistics. Download the Entri App today and open up the door to your dream job. This is the best time to prepare, so dedicate your time well. Good Luck.