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The regional rural bank is out there waiting for its new employees to rule the financial security of the rural areas. The aspirants who are dreaming of bagging top ranks in IBPS RRB 2020 exam cannot exclude practicing mock tests for the exam. It doesn’t matter how much you prepare, how much you studied, what kind of strategy you adopted, without practicing mock tests and previous year question papers you cannot excel the examination according to the latest trends of the examination. The Entri blog discusses the importance of practicing mock tests in order to acquire the top ranks of the IBPS RRB examination 2020.
What is a Mock Test?
Mock tests mean the sample tests of the upcoming examination conducted by an institute or firm according to the latest trends of the examination. The Institute of Banking Personal (IBPS) conducts recruiting examinations towards Officer Scale I, Officer Scale II, Officer Scale III and office assistant (Multipurpose) of Regional Rural Bank (RRB) in every year. By understanding the pattern and trends of the examination Entri offers different kinds of mock tests to aspirants in order to improve their preparation and performance.
Why is Mock test Important?
1: What does the acronym "ATM" stand for in banking?
This is one of the fundamental questions that we deal with over this blog. A person who has been studying for the IBPS RRB exam might be confused about understanding the need for a mock test. He / she might think that “the exam has a syllabus; it insists on covering a particular topic. Then why do I need to have a mock test. After all it’s just a mock right not the original.”
This is the misconception of lots of aspirants which lowers their rank. Why Mock test is important can be understood in the following benefits of mock tests
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The Time and Speed
The time and speed are not just attributable skills in the examination but a rank determining factor in the competitive examination especially IBPS RRB examination 2020. If we want to get to know about the importance of the speed and available time for the examination, we have to look into the pattern of the question of IBPS RRB examination
IBPS RRB Exam Pattern
Preliminary Examination
Post | Name of test | Medium | No. Qns | Maximum Marks | Total time |
Office Assistant | Reasoning | Hinidi/English | 40 | 40 | Composite time of 45 minutes |
Numerical Ability | Hinidi/English | 40 | 40 | ||
Officer Scale I | Reasoning | Hinidi/English | 40 | 40 | Composite time of 45 minutes |
Quantitative Aptitude | Hinidi/English | 40 | 40 |
Here for Preliminary examination for 80 questions you have got only 45 minutes which means for a question you have got only 33.75 seconds.
33.75 seconds = 1 score of the exam
The 33.75 seconds = Read the question + Understand the question + Figure out the concept behind the question + Find out the solution to the question.
Above all the solution found out should be right.
All you have got is 33.75 seconds.
The Mains Exam Pattern
Sl No | Name of test | Medium | No of Questions | Maximum Mark | Total Time |
1 | Reasoning | English/ Hindi | 40 | 50 | Composite time of 2 hours |
2 | Computer Knowledge | English/ Hindi | 40 | 20 | |
3 | General Awareness | English/ Hindi | 40 | 40 | |
4 a | English Language | English | 40 | 40 | |
4 b | Hindi Language | Hindi | 40 | 40 | |
5 | Numerical ability (Office assistant)
Quantitative Aptitude (Officer Scale) |
English/ Hindi | 40 | 40 | |
Total | 200 | 200 | 2 Hrs |
Here one question has only 36 seconds.
36 seconds = 1 score of the examination
The 36 seconds = Read the question + Understand the question + Figure out the concept behind the question + Find out the solution to the question.
Above all the solution found out should be right.
All you have got is 36 seconds.
So the time is very crucial and it is almost impossible for an aspirant who has studied a lot but no idea about the question to figure out the solution by reading and understanding the question in the given time. SO you have to take more and more mock tests.
How Mock Tests influence the brain?
It’s quite sensible from the above statement and calculations that a normal human being cannot match up that speed all of a sudden. So, an aspirant who had studied a lot might not be able to catch up that speed all of a sudden. The normal doubt over here is how mock tests will increase your normal speed to an extraordinary speed.? The answer is a bit of psychology.
Try to read the following:
“ It deosn’t mttaer in waht order the ltteers in a word are, the olny iprmoetnt tihnig is that the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae the rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wthiout porbelm.Tihs is bcuseae the human mnid deos not raed ervey ltteer by itself, but the wrod as a wolhe.”
How much time did you take to read it.? Even though the excerpt is a piece of misplaced words you can easily figure out the right word without letting more to think about it. Because you are very much equipped in reading the human mind can autocorrect the wrong ones and conceive it as the right corrections.
Likewise, when you’re practicing a lot of mock tests your brain will be acquainted with the question pattern problem style answer finding methodology etc. the brain will automatically read and find out the answer without any initiations of ours. That’s why we say that mock tests can save your time and increase your speed.
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Join Now!Any Kind of Mock tests enough?
Ok. You may be convinced of the importance of the mock tests in IBPS RRB examination and you may be convinced of the psychological influences that can impart in your brain for better performances in the examination but you will have a doubt that whether any mock tests is enough or not. The answer is NO!
Because the human mind will act like a ladder. You cannot jump to the final step of the ladder from the ground. You have to go through each of the steps in order to get into the final step. Likewise the gravity of the toughness and increase of the speed of your examination in the mock tests is important. The mock tests should be designed like that. The gravity of then toughness should be increased from the beginner’s level in order to increase the speed of your calculation also.
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Entri Mock tests are designed in such a way that your true potential will be revealed. It is based on the simple idea that an ant may not be able to lift a hard rock. The gravity of the question will be increased in a scientific manner in order to make the aspirant to that level. Entri has got 24000 set of questions in Banking 2.0 course which makes the aspirants more and more abundant with the habit of taking mock tests.
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It’s no doubt that the mock tests can make you a master over the aspirant of bank exams. For bagging top ranks of IBPS RRB exam 2020 taking mock tests is an inevitable factor which determines the rank of your performance. Enrol to Entri Banking 2.0 course and start taking mock tests and transform it into an addiction and enjoy its trance. Keep studying, keep winning.