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Banking exams are one of the most prestigious but toughest exams to crack. Every year, lakhs are aspirants are competing for the vacancies released in the banking sector. SBI is expected to release the notification for Probationary Officers in the upcoming months. The selection procedure includes preliminary, mains and the most dreadful phase for most of the candidates, the Group Discussion and Interview phase. Many candidates who manage to clear the mains cut off with a good margin can’t get into the final list only because, they are not able to crack the GD section. In this article, we are discussing certain tips to keep in mind while preparing for Group Discussion for the bank exams which will help you perform better than your competitors.
1. Understand the Topic
During GD, you will be given a particular topic and some time to work on the points. Make use of this time to understand the topic completely and note down the points to be discussed. Because there is a misconception among students that starting the GD helps you get more marks. And in order to grab this extra marks, students come forward in presenting the topic without much knowledge. Actually, this can end up in cutting down your marks to an extent.
2. Stick to the Point
1: What does the acronym "ATM" stand for in banking?
In the GD, you have to express your viewpoints about the topic given. But sadly, most of the time candidates are not able to stick to a certain point and will linger around the points and opinions expressed by other aspirants resulting in presenting a hazy idea about the topic. This can cause a negative image on the official. So always make sure that irrespective of the precision of your view, always try to stick on to the core idea.
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Join Now!3. Back Your Points with Examples
Remember that there are candidates having the exact opposite view on your point and sometimes, their points seem to be more appealing. So never forget to validate your points by giving examples. But giving examples doesn’t mean giving an hour-long lecture or narrating a story. Just try to back up your point with 1 or 2 sentences. Most probably, the GD topic would be connected to any current scenario. So quoting some incidents related to it would fetch you additional marks. Presenting your knowledge in current affairs can make your presentation more impressive.
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4. Be the Leader of the Group
Try to be the most promising candidate in your group. Manage to make an assumption on both your competitors and the official that you are worth speaking. This can only be achieved by contributing valid and genuine points rather than saying anything for the sake of speaking. Most importantly, always end your part by giving scope for further discussion. By this, you can create an image of a leader.
5. Attack No Person
As said earlier, others may have contradicting ideas. Never try to turn the discussion to a personal attack on them. GD is not about winning an argument. GD is conducted only to check your presence of mind, problem-solving capacity and communication skills. Similar to contradicting points, there are also candidates agreeing with your points. But never rely on or ask them to talk. And, most importantly never interfere with anyone, when they are talking. Let them complete the point they were talking about. In short, maintain your individuality throughout the discussion.
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Are you ready to take your banking career aspirations to new heights? Join Entri App's Bank Exam Coaching program to kickstart your preparations!
Join Now!6. Practice
If you lack confidence while talking before a lot of people, try practising beforehand in front of a mirror. Talk whatever and however you want regarding a certain topic. Try recording the same if you want. Don’t bother about the vocab and the grammatical errors you make. The central idea of GD is conveying your idea with the least and simple words possible. This will help you identify your negatives and rectify it in the original GD section. Practicing like this will help you increase your confidence and communication skill.
Group Discussion plays a crucial role in reserving your seat nowadays. It may seem like a hard nut to crack, but actually it’s not. Through regular practice and communication skill, you can perform far better than your competitors. Entri app provides you with the complete package for bank exam preparation with Banking 2.0.
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