Table of Contents
RBI Grade B Final Result 2023 Out: Reserve Bank of India (RBI) released RBI Grade B Final Result 2023 for DR-General posts on 13th December 2023. RBI Grade B Final Result has been released in pdf format along with the roll numbers of the qualified candidates who have been shortlisted for the provisional appointment as Grade-B Officer posts. All the aspirants who appeared in the RBI Grade B 2023 Phase 3 exam for the posts of DR- General Officers can check their RBI Grade B Final Result 2023 which has been released at the official website The direct link for RBI Grade B Final Result PDF has been shared in the article too.
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RBI Grade B Phase 2 results 2023: Important Dates
Important dates with respect to RBI Grade B Phase 2 Results 2023 are tabulated below:
Events |
Important Dates |
RBI Grade B 2023 (Phase I – General and Paper I – DSIM and DEPR) |
July 9 & 13, 2023 (General) July 16, 2023 (DEPR & DSIM) |
RBI Grade B Phase 1 Result |
July 18, 2023 (General) August 1, 2023 (DEPR-DSIM) |
RBI Grade B score card 2023 | August 2 , 2023 (DR-General) |
RBI Grade phase-II exam dates |
July 30, 2023 (General) September 2, 2023 (DEPR) August 19, 2023 (DSIM) |
RBI Grade B phase 2 result for DR. General |
August 28, 2023 |
RBI Grade B Final result
13 December 2023 |
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How to Check my RBI Grade B 2023 Result?
1: What does the acronym "ATM" stand for in banking?
The steps to check the result of RBI Grade B are given below:
Step 1: Visit the official website of RBI.
Step 2: On the home page of RBI, aspirants will find the result link.
Step 3: RBI Grade B result in PDF form opens on a new page.
Step 4: The result contains the roll numbers of qualified individuals.
Step 5: Download the RBI Grade B Result PDF and save it.
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Join Now!RBI Grade B 2023 Phase 2 Result Out
The RBI Grade B 2023 Result has been released for RBI Grade B 2023 Phase 2 General Posts Exam on 28th August 2023. The result for the Phase-2 exam has been released shortlisting the candidates for Interview. Candidates can check the details regarding RBI Grade B 2023 Result from the below link.
RBI Grade B Scorecard 2023
The scorecard of RBI Grade B will be published a few days after the declaration of the result. Aspirants can download their scorecards by logging with the roll number, date of birth, and verification code. The details printed on the scorecard are given below.
- Candidate’s Name
- Roll Number
- Category
- Sectional Marks
- Overall Marks
- Rank
- RBI Grade B cut off
How to download RBI Grade B Scorecard 2023?
Aspirants can follow the steps below to download the scorecard:
- Visit the official website of Reserve Bank.
RBI Grade B Phase I/Prelims Result 2023
The Phase-I exam for General post had questions from General Awareness, Reasoning, English Language, and Quantitative Aptitude. The total marks assigned to the test were 200. The Phase-I/Paper-I of DEPR was conducted for a total of 100 marks and comprised questions from Economics. The Phase-I/Paper-I of DSIM had a total of 100 marks and consisted questions from Statistics. Aspirants were required to secure minimum marks separately for each test as well as in aggregate to qualify the Phase-I exam. The minimum aggregate marks was decided by Reserve Bank as per the number of vacancies. The Phase I exam for General Post is qualifying in nature and marks obtained in this stage will not be taken for the final merit list. On the other hand, the marks of the Phase I exam for DEPR and DSIM will be taken into consideration for final selection.
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Join Now!RBI Grade B Phase II/Mains Result 2023
The Phase-II exam is conducted for the aspirants who are shortlisted on the basis of the RBI Grade B result of Phase I. Phase-II is taken separately for different posts. The test for General posts is conducted online and has three papers. The test for DEPR and DSIM is conducted offline and chas two papers. Total marks allotted to Phase-II exam for General post is 300. Total marks of Phase-II for DEPR and DSIM posts is 200. On the basis of the marks obtained in Phase II, aspirants are shortlisted for interview. The examination authority decides the cut off marks for this stage to select individuals for interview.
RBI Grade B Final Selection Process
Final Selection of aspirants for General Post is done after adding the marks of Phase II and Interview. The final selection for DEPR and DSIM posts is done based on the aspirant’s performance in Paper 1, 2, 3, and Interview.
How to Calculate the RBI Grade B Score?
Aspirants are required to pass each section and stage of the exam. The passing marks in each test are decided by the board on the basis of the performance of all the individuals appearing in the tests. The scores of the online exam are calculated by adopting the procedure given below.
- The number of questions answered correctly by a aspirant in each objective test is considered for arriving at the corrected score after applying the penalty for wrong answers.
- The corrected scores so obtained by an aspirant are made equivalent to take care of the minor difference in difficulty level, if any, in each of the objective tests held in different sessions to arrive at the equated scores.
- Scores obtained by aspirants on any test are equated to the base form by considering the distribution of scores of all the forms.
- Test-wise scores and scores on total are declared with decimal points up to two digits.
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Hope that this article was helpful. The key point to clear an exam lies in methodical and planned preparation. If you are a candidate who wants to pursue your dream career and looking for a good start, our Entri app has got it covered for you. Our team will help you with content and insights related to the topics of your concern. Subscribe to our app today and enrol yourself into various programmes our app offers. Tune in to the app to stay updated regarding various aspects of the subject you are interested in. Feel free to post any queries and doubts in the comment section. We will try our best to reach out. Push away all those self-doubts and negative thoughts. Try to have a clear vision. Ask yourself why you want this. Focus on the good and work hard. There is a saying that goes like this, Get up and set your shoulders to the wheel-how long is life for you? as you have come to this world leave some mark behind or where is the difference between your trees and stones they too come into existence decay and die. Each day is a precious gift bestowed upon us so make it count. Work on yourself. Stop procrastinating. Today is the day, hope for the best. Good luck.
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Q1. Is RBI Grade B Final Result 2023 released?
Ans. Yes, RBI Grade B Final Result 2023 has been released on 13th December 2023 for DR- General posts at the official website
Q2. What are the stages of selection process for RBI Grade B?
Ans. The selection process of RBI Grade B is included of three stages- Prelims, Mains & Interview.
Q3. How can I check my RBI Grade B Final Result 2023?
Ans. The direct link to download RBI Grade B Final result 2023 has been provided in the article and the result can be checked from the official website.