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State Bank Of India has released the notification for Specialist Officers and is expected to release the notification for Probationary Officers very soon. In addition to it, IBPS RRB PO, Clerk IBPS PO and Clerk are also expected in the upcoming months. The selection procedures include preliminary, mains for clerical cadre and interview for Officer exams. Even though the exam level and cutoffs are increasing every year, there are certain topics in each section that can assure you sure shot success in your next bank exam. Check this article for Important topics to cover for bank exam 2020.
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Important Topics to Cover for Bank Exam
Given below are Important topics to cover for bank exam 2020 for English, Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning section.
English Language
This the most scoring section in bank exams. As most of the candidates find difficulty in attempting the section, through regular practice you can fetch decent marks from this section itself.
1. Cloze test.
This is the just the upgraded version of our regular ‘Fill in the blanks’. Anyone with a decent vocab can attempt most of the questions by simply understanding the theme and tone of the passage. You can expect a minimum of 5- 10 questions from this topic in your preliminary as well as mains examination.
Practice Cloze test for bank exams
2. Reading Comprehension
This the most important topic especially in your mains examination. This topic is mainly to test your reading ability and decoding the theme. You will be asked to answer 5-10 questions regarding the given topic.
Reading Comprehension practice questions
3. Error Detection
The only topic in which your grammatical knowledge is measured. But by only understanding the basics of English Grammar you can attempt this section with much ease. Usually, 5- 10 questions are asked.
4. Para jumbles
Anyone with a reading habit can simply score this topic. A number of sentences relating to a common topic will be given in a jumbled manner and you have to make a coherent paragraph. Sometimes, along with rearrangement, you will be asked to figure out the odd sentence or sentences.
Reasoning Ability
This is the easiest sections in the bank exams. With thorough practise, you can attempt a maximum number of questions.
1. Blood Relation
Usually, blood relations are asked either directly or as coded blood relation. Anyone who has practiced quite can solve this type questions even without using a pen or paper. In the mains exam, blood relation questions are usually coupled with puzzles and sitting arrangement.
2. Syllogism
This is the most confusing, but the most scoring topic in reasoning section. A minimum of 5 questions is usually asked in the examination. A lot of variety of questions are asked in this section including reverse syllogism, only a few and few conditions. Understanding the basics and practising enough questions are the only way to excel in this topic.
Practice Syllogism with Entri app
3. Direction & Distance
This is one of the topics we can surely expect in both prelims and in mains. In preliminary, you would be asked to find the direction and distance between any two-point. In mains, direction topic is normally connected with puzzles.
4. Inequality
This 5-6 questions asked in prelims can definitely owe to marks. Inequality is asked either directly or in coded form in the examination.
5. Puzzles & Seating arrangement
This is the most important topic in the reasoning section. Practicing puzzles and seating arrangement will help you score around 25 marks in prelims and almost full marks in mains examination. About 20-25 questions are asked in preliminary, while all questions in mains are puzzles and seating arrangement coupled with other miscellaneous topics.
Important Puzzle and Seating Arrangement for SBI PO
6. Alphanumeric Series
Easiest topic ever in the reasoning section. About 5 questions are asked in the preliminary examination.
7. Input-Output
Input-Output topic is usually asked in mains examination. But nowadays, input-output questions of the basic level is asked in prelims. In mains, advanced level questions are usually asked from this section. Regular practice is really important in this type of questions.
Input-Output Practice Questions
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Simplification & Approximation
We can expect a total of 10-15 questions from this topic. This is the topic which fetches your Sureshot marks and practising this topic will help you increase the calculation speed and helps in attempting the maximum number of questions.
How to prepare quantitative aptitude for bank exams
2. Quadratic Equation
This is an easy to moderate level section asked in preliminary and some time in mains. You have to solve the given equations with variables and compare the values in order to identify the relation between the two.
Quadratic Equation Practice Questions
3. Number Series
Usually, 5 questions are asked from this topic. Practising enough questions is the only way to excel in this topic. In the exam, you will be asked either to find the missing number or to identify the wrong number in a given series. The key to solving this question is by identifying the pattern of the given series. Most commonly, a series based on Arithmetic Progression, common multiple or division or prime number series is asked. Constant practice is needed to identify the series pattern.
4. Data Interpretation
This topic helps you most in your mains examination. The Data Interpretation topic is asked in both preliminary as well as in mains exam. In prelims, around 10-15 questions are asked which is of easy-moderate level. While in the mains exam high-level topic-based DI are usually asked.
Practice high-level Data Interpretation
5. Miscellaneous Topics
These topics play a major role in the mains examination. We can expect 5-10 questions from various arithmetic topics in the preliminary exam and 20- 25 questions in the mains examination. Having a clear basis on these topics will help you to attempt mains level DI with much ease and accuracy.
6. Data Sufficiency
Around 5 questions are asked from this topic mainly in the mains level exam and sometimes in the preliminary exam. In these questions, you will be asked to find whether the given statements are sufficient to solve the given question.
7. Quantity Based Questions
These are purely arithmetic questions. Two or more quantities are given and you have to compare the quantities solving it. Around 5 questions are expected from this topic.
General Awareness
This is the game-changing section in the mains examination. Mostly, 6 months of current affairs are asked in the mains examination. The GA section is divided into 3 sections
- Current Affairs
- Banking Awareness
- Static GK
1. Current Affairs
This section includes important national and international events, Sports events, Science & Technology, Obituaries etc.
How to prepare the GA section for bank exams 2020
2. Banking Awareness
This includes important banking and financial events happened in the past 6 months. Usually around 5-10 questions are asked from this topic.
3. Static GK
These include questions on important national parks, important dates, stadiums etc. Around 2-3 questions are expected from this section.
Entri app helps you in practise different topics with excellent quality questions. For more details download Entri app or visit our website.
All the best for your upcoming exams!