Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Kerala PSC Administrative Services Vs UPSC Civil Services: All you need to know

In this article we will cover everything you need to know about the Union Public Service Commission(UPSC) Civil Services and the Kerala PSC Administrative Services(KAS).

The UPSC as you all know is the Civil Services Examination to the various administrative positions such as Indian Administrative Services (IAS), Indian Police Service (IPS) etc. conducted by the Centre.

While the recruitment to Kerala Administrative service KAS is  conducted by Kerala public Service Commission (Kerala PSC).

Kerala PSC Administrative Services came into force only recently in January  2018.

UPSC Civil Services Exam

UPSC  Civil Services Exam is a tough and competitive examination which requires a combination of smart and hard work along with strategy and discipline. The ideal time for preparation is around 1 year.

Important Dates:

  • Stage I: Preliminary Examination – Held in June every year. Results are announced in August.
  • Stage II: Mains – Held in October every year. Results are announced in January.
  • Personality Test (Interview) – Held in March. Final results are usually announced in May
  • The  training program for the selected candidates usually commences the following September.

Services one is eligible to on qualifying the Civil Service Exam

All India Services

  • Indian Administrative Service (IAS)
  • Indian Police Service(IPS)

Central Services (Group A)

  • Indian Foreign Service (IFS)
  • Indian P&T Accounts and Finance Service (IP&TAFS)
  • Indian Audit and Accounts Service (IA&AS)
  • Indian Civil Accounts Service (ICAS)
  • Indian Corporate Law Service (ICLS)
  • Indian Defence Accounts Service (IDAS)
  • Indian Defence Estates Service (IDES)
  • Indian Information Service (IIS)
  • Indian Ordnance Factories Service (IOFS)
  • Indian Postal Service (IPoS)
  • Indian Railway Accounts Service (IRAS)
  • Indian Railway Personnel Service (IRPS)
  • Indian Railway Traffic Service (IRTS)
  • Indian Revenue Service (IRS-IT)
  • Indian Revenue Service (IRS-C&CE)
  • Indian Trade Service (ITrS)
  • Railway Protection Force (RPF)

Group B Services

  • Armed Forces Headquarters Civil Services (AFHCS)
  • Delhi, Andaman and Nicobar Islands Civil Service (DANICS)
  • Delhi, Andaman and Nicobar Islands Police Service (DANIPS)
  • Pondicherry Civil Service (PCS)
  • Pondicherry Police Service (PPS)

UPSC Civil Services Exam Syllabus 

Paper I Syllabus (General Studies)

Kerala Administrative Service

The objective of  Kerala Civil Service examination is aimed to build a cadre of public servants as a second line of managerial talent for Kerala Government for effective implementation of Government policies and programs. According to the new rules, the KAS will now be the feeder category for IAS Kerala cadre.

The selected candidates will be posted or eligible to get posted to the second grade Gazetted Officer (Junior Time Scale), in various departments like public administration and finance department of Kerala Government.

KAS officers will be appointed based on four phases or streams.

  • Junior Time Scale
  • Senior Time Scale ( Regular Government Employees)
  • Selection Grade Scale
  • Super Time Grade Scale.

Junior Time Scale is the base category and will be directly recruited by the Kerala PSC through the KAS exam. All the other categories can be achieved only by promotion while Super Time Grade Scale is the highest category that a KAS officer can be promoted to .

Officers at the Junior Time Scale should complete the following courses during probation.

(i) The Revenue Test
(ii). The Criminal Judicial Test including Indian Penal Code (IPC) and Criminal Procedure Code (Cr. PC)
(iii) Manual of Office Procedure (MOP)
(iv) Kerala Secretariat Office Manual (KSOM)
(v) Candidates who have not studied Malayalam language in the metric level shall have to qualify the Malayalam Proficiency Test conducted by Kerala Public Service Commission except where Malayalam has been prescribed as a qualifying paper for the selection to the KAS.

Structure of KAS Exam 2019

1: Which Year First Assembly Election was held in Kerala?

2: Name the first book in the Malayalam language?

3: Which of the following correctly identifies the three branches of government under the Indian Constitution?

4: The concept of Five Year Plans was introduced in India by _____?

5: Syrinx is the voice box in ___?

    Fill out the form to see the results

    Ever wondered how much you really know? It's time to put your brain to the test!

    The KAS exam 2019 will be conducted in three phases.

    Preliminary (Objective)

    In a basic level test or Preliminary level test, one will have two papers to attend comprising of 100 marks each. The mode of examination will be of objective type (OMR). Both the examinations will be conducted on the same day and the duration of the exam will be 75 minutes. As pointed out earlier, candidates who have a bachelor degree are the ones who are eligible to appear for the exam.

    Those who successfully get a pass at the preliminary level will be called for the Mains.

    Download Entri to gain access to all the previous years questions and to the wealth of information it has to offer.

    Mains (Descriptive)

    The Mains which would be of a highly advanced with the prescribed syllabus will consist of three papers mainly. Three papers with 150 marks each and a total of 450 marks combined. Those will be mainly from Science Subjects, Humanities and Kerala Current affairs and history. All three exams will be descriptive in nature.

    To know more about the Kerala PSC Administrative Exam, download Entri today.

    Whoever prepares for UPSC or the KAS  knows about the level of toughness of these exams and will know how to prepare accordingly. Here are some basic tips for the aspirants which they can incorporate in their study plan for a much better preparation:

    • Firstly, it is necessary that the candidate should be clear about the pattern and the syllabus of the examination. Knowing the pattern and the syllabus can help student strategize as to what are their weak and strong areas, prioritise each and every topic etc.
    • They should limit themselves to the prescribed books and not run after every book suggested by peers. Looking for many books at one time creates a state of confusion and thus hampers the preparation of the student.
    • Make notes of small things such as current affairs, important dates, facts and figures etc. Students can carry these notes with them anywhere and read from these notes, thus reducing the time wastage.
    • Apart from reading the prescribed books, candidates are advised to read editorials from major newspapers such as The Hindu, the Deccan Chronicle etc. Reading these editorials will help candidates develop their own views about various topics and in the essay section as well.

    Entri is the best platform for all competitive government exams. Quick notes of each topic under all sections and daily current affairs will be provided. Candidates can practice mock tests for each exam, and plan a strategy for your upcoming exams. Good luck with the future!


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