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Kerala PSC Fireman (Trainee) Rank List Out- Kerala PSC has published the detailed result of the candidates who are selected for the post of Fireman (Trainee) – FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICES. Kerala public service commission (KPSC) announced the result for recruiting the most suitable candidates for the post of Fireman (Trainee) – FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICES. We have provided all the essential details of the result for the mentioned post below. Interested candidates are requested to follow the Kerala PSC instructions on the next steps of the recruitment process.
According to the latest notification in the official web portal of Kerala Public Service Commission, the rank list for the post of Fireman Trainee in the department of FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICES is out now. Check the latest Assistant Professor rank list published by Kerala PSC. The ranked list of candidates for the post of FIREMAN (TRAINEE) – (Statewide) on Rs/-20,000-45,800/- in FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICES, found suitable by the Commission and arranged in the order of merit based on the OMR Test held on13/03/2022.
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Kerala PSC Fireman (Trainee) Rank List 2022 Out
The Written Examination for Recruitment of Various Vacancies of Fireman Posts held on 13th March 2022 By Kerala Public Service Commission Recruitment Board, Result of Kerala PSC Fireman Exam 2022 expected to declare in the Month of June 2022. Facility to check the KPSC Fireman Result 2022 will be made available online on the official website Direct link to check the Kerala PSC Fireman Exam Result 2022 to be given below on this page.
As the final result combining the performance of the candidates in the written examination as well as the subsequent interview round is released officially by the Kerala Public Service Commission, all of the previously qualified candidates who have attended the interview round, may now check for the result. Even though, it is available only through the web portal of the commission, we have eased up the process for you, by giving you all the necessary details of the result download here in this article.
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Download Kerala PSC Fireman (Trainee) Rank List 2022 PDF
The aspirants who have appeared Kerala PSC Fireman (Trainee) mains exam can download their rank list 2022 from the direct link below.
1. For all those candidates who find it difficult to download the result of the recruitment from the official web portal, here is the direct PDF of the result for you. We hope that this will be very beneficial to our readers.
2. For all those candidates who find it difficult to download the result of the recruitment from the official web portal, here is the direct PDF of the result for you. We hope that this will be very beneficial to our readers.
Steps to Download Kerala PSC Fireman (Trainee) Rank List 2022
The stepwise procedure for downloading the Kerala PSC Fireman (Trainee) Result 2022 has been provided below. Candidates are requested to follow the instructions provided below to download their Kerala PSC Fireman (Trainee) Result 2022 with ease. The Kerala Public Service Commission Fireman (Trainee) result 2022 is now available downloadable by eligible applicants from the organization’s website.
The following is the procedure to Download the Kerala PSC Fireman (Trainee) Result 2022.
Step 1: Visit the official site
Step 2: On the homepage click on results- Rank list
Step 3: On clicking, Kerala PSC Result 2022 for Fireman (Trainee) post will display on the screen.
Step 4: Candidates can download the Kerala PSC Fireman (Trainee) Result 2022 and take a printout of the same for future reference.
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Kerala PSC Fireman (Trainee) Merit List 2022
The Shortlisted Candidate List/Provisional Selection List will be created based on the cutoff scores of the Kerala PSC Fireman Exam 2022 in preparation for the interview and document verification phases of the recruitment process. Cutoff scores will be announced for each category, including General, OBC, SC, ST, and EWS. As soon as the KPSC Fireman Results 2022 are released, we update this page with a link to download the Kerala PSC Fireman Merit List 2022 Pdf.
The candidates who have cleared the KPSC fireman examination can check the KPSC fireman cutoff marks/KPSC fireman expected cutoff marks 2022 /KPSC fireman trainee score card and KPSC fireman qualified candidates list and for KPSC fireman Thrissur short list of merit candidates. Before checking your Kerala PSC fireman result 2022 they have to provide mandatory fields to check their Kerala PSC fireman result 2022 such as date of birth, registration number to download KPSC fireman results 2022.
Kerala PSC Fireman (Trainee) Cutoff 2022
Kerala PSC Fireman (Trainee) recruitment done with various stages i.e. Prelims, Main exam, Physical Test and Document verification. For moving forward in Mains exam you must have to bring the cutoff marks or minimum qualification marks. Without scoring the Kerala PSC Fireman cutoff marks category wise you cannot attend the next level in the recruitment process. Cutoff marks should be presented to you with the Kerala PSC Fireman results. There are various factors that the cutoff is depends on like vacancies, number of people appeared in the exam, previous years cutoff, level of the exams and reservations.
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Important Points regarding the Rank List
1: Which Year First Assembly Election was held in Kerala?
- The Ranked List shall cease to be in force after one year from the date of finalization of the
ranked list . - Candidates from the Ranked List will be advised for appointment in accordance with
the rules and orders regarding reservation and rotation as amended from time to time, if applicable, against vacancies reported to the Commission during the pendency of the Ranked List. - As the advice for appointment depends on the occurrence of vacancies, there is no guarantee that all the candidates included in the Ranked List will secure appointment . The candidates remaining in the Ranked List at the time of cancellation will have no claim at all for appointment on the basis of the inclusion of their names in the Ranked List.
- According to the existing procedure ,revaluation of Answer Script is not allowed. But Answer Scripts will be rechecked if the candidates apply for in the prescribed application form available free of cost from the Enquiry Sections of the various offices of the Commission or its photocopy or downloaded and printed in A4 size paper from the Commission’s website www.kerala
- Any candidate can relinquish his/her right for appointment in writing duly attested by Gazetted Officer of the State/Central Government with signature, name, designation and office seal along with a notarized affidavit and a self attested copy of an ID proof bearing photograph as enlisted in the General conditions.. The request for relinquishment received within 15 days from the date of publication of Ranked List will be honoured against the requisitions of vacancies that are pending with the Commission upto the finalization of ranked list.
- After the publication of ranked list, the request for relinquishment will be considered only if such request is received on or before the date of receipt of requisition based on which he/she is to be advised.
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Join Now!Kerala PSC Fireman (Trainee) Rank List 2022 FAQs
Q. Can I Find Kerala PSC Exam Result 2022 From Here?
Yes, all the candidates can refer to their result status from this page.
Q. When will Kerala PSC Fireman Result 2022 Date Release?
The result of Kerala PSC is likely to be released in the month of June.
Q. How to Download Fireman Result?
go to official website, then search Fireman Result and now Click.
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