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Kerala PSC has released recruitment notification category no: 127/2020 to recruit eligible candidates for the post of Overseer Civil Grade I in Local Self Government Department. The notification was released on 1st October, 2020. Aspiring candidates meeting all the required eligibility criteria can apply on or before 04-11-2020. Having good study materials in hand and being well acquainted with syllabus and exam pattern is a must to clear the exam. Choosing standard study materials and referring previous question papers will help a lot in exam preparation. It is best to start early than preparing last minute. In this article we will provide you with Kerala PSC Overseer Civil study materials.
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Kerala PSC Overseer Civil – Important Details
1: Between the period of 1858-1947, how many Viceroys ruled over India?
Name of the Post | Overseer Civil |
Exam Conducting Body | Kerala Public Service Commission |
Category no. | 127/2020 |
Date of Exam | To be notified soon |
Notification release date | 01-10-2020 |
Last date for online registration | 04-11-2020 |
Number of vacancy | 26 |
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സർക്കാർ ജോലി എന്ന സ്വപ്നം ഇനി സ്വപ്നം മാത്രമല്ല! Join Kerala's Top-rated PSC Coaching Programs
Kerala PSC Overseer Civil Study Materials
For any competitive examination, one of the most important step is to be well acquainted with the syllabus and exam pattern. This will help you in drafting a very good study plan. With proper study plan, guidance and hardwork one can easily crack any competitive exams. Having good study materials in hand is a must to clear the exam. Here along with study materials, we will mention few tips on how to get good study materials-
Best Books for Kerala PSC Overseer Civil Examination-
Name of the Book | Author /Publisher |
Kerala PSC Overseer Grade III Assistant Engineers Civil Exam | V.V.K.Subburaj |
Civil Engineering rank file Paperback | Ace Karunagappally |
SOM | S Ramamrutham, RK Bansal |
Surveying (Volume 1 and 2) | BC Punima |
Environmental Engineering | SK Garg
Soil mechanics and foundation | KR Arora |
Objective Civil Engineering Paperback – 1 January 2015
by |
A Team of Vetran Experts |
Civil Engineering Through Objective Type Questions | Gupta S. P. |
Strength of Materials(SOM) | R.K Bansal, B.C Punima |
Building Materials | S.K Duggal |
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Kerala PSC Overseer Civil Previous Year Question Papers
Practicing previous year question paper is a very good tactic to boost your exam preparation. It will help you understand how & what type of questions are asked. Also Kerala PSC has repeated questions.
Click here for Kerala PSC Overseer Civil Previous Year Question Papers.
Selection of Study materials
- First & Foremost as mentioned above candidates must know syllabus, weightage of topics and exam pattern.
- Choose standard study materials – There are lot of books available in the market. Getting hands on the right book matters. Few tips to select the right book –
a) Check whether the book covers all the topics as per the syllabus.
b) Buy latest Edition books from renowned authors.
c) Select books that includes sample papers, previous year question papers apart from the topics.
- Make use of online platforms where you can access Online Study Material like – Online E-Books, PDFs, Question Papers, Mock Tests, Tests Series, Video Lectures etc, provides an easy to learn environment at your comfortable space. This is one of the reasons why most of the candidates opt for Online Study Material instead of going for the classroom study.
- Take online Mock Tests– Attempting mock tests can help you understand the type of questions asked for the exam and practice seriously like you are attempting real exam, go through mistakes happened. This will help you be thorough with subject and be confident. Also it will help you increase speed and accuracy to solve Entri is an online platform where you will have access to unlimited free mock tests, video classes and study cards with a single subscription fee.
- Be updated about current events happening around the world. Read Newspapers and magazines will help you increase current affairs knowledge.
- Previous years question papers.
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Other Important Links-
Kerala PSC Overseer Draftsman Syllabus and Exam Pattern
Kerala PSC Overseer Civil Job Profile
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- Entri provides an online platform to help you prepare for competitive exams.
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Hope you have benefited from this article. Check us for further details. Entri wishes you all the best for your upcoming exams.