Sunday, February 16, 2025

Kerala PSC Reservation Rules and Rotation Chart

Despite the fact that one may have done well in the Kerala PSC exams and your name appears in the Kerala PSC Rank list, it may not mean hundred percent eligibility to the vacancies reported by the exam recruitment.  There is one more thing that is quite critical and a determining factor before you land the job and that is Kerala PSC Reservation Rules and Rotation Chart .

Kerala PSC Reservation plays a key role in the final allotment and you need an understanding of this criteria in order to understand how the final rank lists is made.

The primary objective of the Kerala PSC Reservation system in Kerala is to enhance the social and educational status of underprivileged communities and thus improve their lives.

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Understanding of the Kerala PSC Reservation Chart

In Kerala PSC Reservation Chart , it displays the reservation for Open Competition (students who don’t come under any reservation, the General Category), Ezhava, Muslim, Latin Catholic/Anglo Indian, Viswakarma. Nadar, Dheevara, Hindu Nadar, Other Converted Christain, SC/ST. Kerala PSC Reservation is governed by the Constitution, statutory laws and local rules and regulations under Kerala Government.

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The SCs, STs and OBCs, and in some states Backward Classes among Muslims are the primary beneficiaries of the Kerala reservation Chart.

Open Competition(O.C)

General Category

50 50
Ezhava/Billava/Thiyya 11 14
Muslim 10 12
Latin Catholic/Anglo Indian 4 4
Viswakarma 2 3
S.I.U.C Nadar 2 1
Dheevara 2 1
Hindu Nadar 1 1
Other Xian 2 1
Other Backward Classes
(other than those mentioned above)
6 3
Scheduled Caste 8 8
Scheduled Tribe 2 2

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Understanding of the Kerala PSC Rotation Chart

1: Which Year First Assembly Election was held in Kerala?

2: Name the first book in the Malayalam language?

3: Which of the following correctly identifies the three branches of government under the Indian Constitution?

4: The concept of Five Year Plans was introduced in India by _____?

5: Syrinx is the voice box in ___?

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    Appointments under this rule shall be made in the order of rotation specified below in every cycle of 20 vacancies.The unit of appointment for the purpose of this rule shall be 20, of which two shall be reserved for scheduled castes and scheduled tribes and 8 shall be reserved for the other Backward classes and remaining 10 shall be filled on the basis of merit

    Provided that out of every five posts reserved for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, one shall go to Scheduled Tribe candidate and remaining four shall go to Scheduled Caste candidates and in the absence of candidate to fill up the post reserved for Scheduled Tribe candidates, it shall go to a Scheduled Caste candidate and vice-versa.

     The claims of members of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and other Backward Classes shall also be considered for the appointments which shall be filled on the basis of merit and where a candidate belonging to a Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe or Other Backward Class is selected on the basis of merit, the number of posts reserved for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes or for Other Backward Classes as the case may be, shall not in any way be affected.
    1. Open competition
    2. Ezhava/Billava/Thiyyal
    3. Open competition
    4. Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
    5. Open competition
    6. Muslims)
    7. Open competition
    8. Latin Catholic/ Angloindian
    9. Open Competition
    10. OBC
    11. OpenCompetition
    12. Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
    13. Open Competition
    14. Ezhava/Billava/Thiyya
    15. Open Competition
    16. Muslims
    17. Open Competition
    18. Ezhava/Billava/Thiyya
    19. Open Competition
    20. Other Backward Classes(Viswakarma)

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    As you may have noticed that very alternative postion is open to the Open Competition. One thing that you need to pay attention is that there is a cut-off list that is also considered before the final list is out.

    As always Entri comes to your help, if you plan to ace the Kerala PSC exams. The Entri App has a range of preparatory exams and mock tests to help you prepare for the exam. Good luck!

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