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Kerala Public Service Commission has issued the final results of the recruitment conducted for the selection of the most eligible candidates for the post of Store Keeper under Category No. 063/ 202. The recruitment aims to fill the available posts under the Kerala PSC. A total of 05 posts are available for the post of Kerala PSC Store Keeper. The official notification was released by the Kerala Public Service Commission on 25/08/2020. The selection of the candidates for the post of Kerala PSC Store Keeper will be done through direct recruitment conducted by the commission. Those candidates who are awaiting the results for the Kerala PSC Store Keeper recruitment can now check the official website for downloading the results directly in the form of a Pdf.
Kerala PSC Store Keeper recruitment is done through the written examination followed by the interview and document verification. Candidates between the age of 18 years and 36 years can only apply for the post. The writing exam was conducted on 25th September 2022. Those candidates who are eager to know about the merit list can log in to the official website of Kerala PSC@
Candidates who have applied for Kerala PSC Storekeeper Vacancy 2022 can now check Kerala KPSC Storekeeper Results 2022 Status. The result status is made available to the candidates. The candidates can either follow the direct link given below or can use the steps given below to download the results from the official website of Kerala PSC.
The Kerala PSC Board has Successfully conducted the Kerala PSC Storekeeper Written Exams. Those candidates who are elected after the written exam will be called for the interview and the document verification followed by the initial stage of the selection of the candidates. The candidates who have attended the exam should make sure to enter the merit list with the minimum qualifying marks. The written exam can determine the future of the candidates. The Kerala PSC is offering a high salary scale and other perks and benefits for the candidates based on their experience, performance, and eligibility. The candidates can download the results, score sheet, cut-off marks, etc in the form of a pdf directly from the official website of Kerala PSC.
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Kerala PSC Store Keeper Result
The Kerala Public Service Commission Board is recruiting eligible candidates for various posts every year. Those candidates how to appear for the various recruitment exams might be curious to know the merit list. Here is some happy news for the candidates who have attended the written exam for the recruitment for the candidates to the posts of Kerala PSC Store Keeper Recruitment. The candidates can download the result and check it based on the cut-off and the published merit list. The subject-wise mark list is given along with the results. The candidates who wish to seek the results shall log in to the official website of Kerala PSC without wasting the time. The candidates should check their details and the details given in the scorecard. If any of the given details seems to be wrong the candidates can verify and cross-check the rank list by contacting the Kerala PSC Recruitment board. The candidates will be given ample amount of time to raise any objections. The candidates can raise objections within 15 days. The revised merit list will be published soon after recertifying the objections raised by the candidates.
Kerala PSC Store Keeper Download Result
1: Which Year First Assembly Election was held in Kerala?
The candidates can download the results for the Kerala PSC Store Keeper recruitment using the link given below. After downloading the results the candidates need to cross-check the given criterion, subject-wise marks, and total marks awarded along with the cut-off marks. The candidates should be keen enough to understand the result sheets within short glimpses. If you find any errors in the merit list, the candidates should contact the official body for further clarification.
Enroll in Kerala's Top-rated Kerala PSC Coaching Program!
സർക്കാർ ജോലി എന്ന സ്വപ്നം ഇനി സ്വപ്നം മാത്രമല്ല! Join Entri's Kerala PSC Coaching Programs
Join Now!Kerala PSC Store Keeper Result Direct Link
The candidates can either use the direct link given below to download the Kerala PSC Shop Keeper Recruitment or can use the basic steps given below to download the results
Click here to download Kerala PSC Store Keeper Rank List 2022!
Kerala PSC Store Keeper: How to Download?
The candidates can easily download the results for the Kerala PSC Store Keeper Rank List 2022 using the simple and easy-to-handle steps given below.
- Visit the official website of the Kerala PSC @
- Go to the homepage, and search for Kerala KPSC Storekeeper Results 2022
- Find the notification for Kerala PSC KPSC Storekeeper Results 2022
- Now, click on the Kerala PSC Storekeeper Results 2022 notification.
- Then, enter the roll number and the details required to view the results
- Click on the link and download the KPSC Storekeeper Results 2022
- Check the KPSC Storekeeper Results 2022
- Download the KPSC Storekeeper Results 2022 in the pdf format
- Save it for future use
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Kerala PSC Store Keeper Answer Key
The answer key and the score card will be published soon after the publication of the results. The candidates can cross-check the results and raise any objections. The Kerala PSC commission will cross-check the objections and the revised rank list will be published soon after the verification. The candidates can use the following steps to download the answer key/ score card from the official website of Kerala PSC.
- Visit the official website of the Kerala PSC @
- Go to the homepage, and search for Kerala KPSC Storekeeper answer key2022
- Find the notification for Kerala PSC KPSC Storekeeper answer key2022
- Now, click on the Kerala PSC Storekeeper answer key2022 notification.
- Then, enter the roll number and the details required to view the results
- Click on the link and download the KPSC Storekeeper answer key2022
- Check the KPSC Storekeeper answer key2022
- Download the KPSC Storekeeper answer key2022 in the pdf format
- Save it for future use
Enroll in Kerala's Top-rated Kerala PSC Coaching Program!
സർക്കാർ ജോലി എന്ന സ്വപ്നം ഇനി സ്വപ്നം മാത്രമല്ല! Join Entri's Kerala PSC Coaching Programs
Join Now!Kerala PSC Store Keeper Cut Off
The cut-off marks will be published on the official website of the Kerala PSC. The cut-off marks are the minimum marks that the candidates ought to obtain to get into the rank list. The candidates can get access to the cut-off list by using the steps given below.
- Visit the official website of the Kerala PSC @
- Go to the homepage, and search for Kerala KPSC Storekeeper cut-off list 2022
- Find the notification for Kerala PSC KPSC Storekeeper cut-off list 2022
- Now, click on the Kerala PSC Storekeeper cut-off list 2022 notification.
- Then, enter the roll number and the details required to view the results
- Click on the link and download the KPSC Storekeeper cut-off list 2022
- Check the KPSC Storekeeper cut-off list 2022
- Download the KPSC Storekeeper cut-off list 2022 in the pdf format
- Save it for future use
Kerala PSC Store Keeper Selection Process
The selection of the candidates for the post of Kerala PSC Store Keeper will be done through the written test followed by the interview and the document verification. The written test is the most vital part of the recruitment process. Those candidates who wish to attend the Kerala PSC Store Keeper recruitment process shall set themselves up for the exam with ample preparation.
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Kerala PSC Store Keeper Interview
Those candidates who are selected after the publication of the rank list can only attend the i8nterview. The interview will be conducted directly by the KPSC board. The candidates should prepare thoroughly to attend the interview. Once the interview is cleared the candidates will be called for the document verification. The candidates need to produce all the necessary documents to claim the age relaxation and educational qualification. The documents will be treated as proof.
Those candidates who are preparing for the upcoming Kerala PSC recruitment shall brace themselves to attend the worse. Finding the best materials, preparation strategies, methods, resource materials, etc can only help the candidates to crack the highly competitive exams easily. Face the battle ahead with confidence.
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