Table of Contents
The much awaited Kerala PSC Assistant Engineer Rank List 2024 has been released! This list is based on the results of the written examination for the recruitment of Assistant Engineer, conducted by the Kerala Public Service Commission. The list contains the names of candidates selected for the position of Assistant Engineer in various departments of the State. The selection is based on the performance of the candidates in the written examination. Candidates who had applied for the position can now check their names in the rank list available on the official website of Kerala PSC. It is important to note that only the candidates who have been selected for the final interview will be allowed to proceed further in the recruitment process. All the best!
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Kerala PSC Assistant Engineer Rank List 2024: Highlights
Particulars | Details |
Organization Name | Kerala Public Service Commission |
Post Name | Assistant Engineer (Civil) |
Category Number | 404/2021 |
Job Category | Government Jobs |
Application Mode | Online |
Official Webisite | |
Kerala PSC Assistant Engineer Rank List 2024: Releasing Date
1: Between the period of 1858-1947, how many Viceroys ruled over India?
The Kerala PSC Assistant Engineer Grade I rank list will be released on February 13, 2024, with the results coming into effect on February 13, 2024. Candidates who have qualified can access the PDF format of the result sheet by visiting the official website of the Kerala Public Service Commission. The list comprises 300+ chosen applicants, and it includes their names, register numbers, and birthdates. For additional details, please continue reading.
Kerala PSC Assistant Engineer Rank List 2024 PDF
Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) has recently released the rank list of successful candidates for the Assistant Engineer post in 2024. The PDF can be downloaded from the official website of the Kerala Public Service Commission. Also, you can use the URL of the same to download.
Where I Can See My PSC Assistant Engineer Rank List 2024
You can visit the webistes below to view and download your Kerala PSC Assistant Engineer (Civil) Result 2024 PDF
How To Download Kerala PSC Assistant Engineer Rank List 2024 PDF?
The rank list is prepared based on the marks obtained in the written examination and the personal interview conducted by Kerala Public Service Commission. The result contains details of the candidates who are selected in the recruitment process for the Assistant Engineer post. The rank list also includes the name of the candidates, category, marks obtained, and post preference. Follow the below steps to access the Kerala PSC Assistant Engineer Result 2024 PDF.
- Visit the Kerala PSC Website
- Click on the tab “Latest,” which is on the homepage
- Find the URL of the Kerala PSC Assistant Engineer Civil Result of your preferred category
- Click on the Download tab
- Save and take a printout for further reference
You can download the same by logging in to your PSC Thulassi Profile,
- Logn In PSC Thulassi Website with your user Id and Password
- Click on the result tab
- Find your preferred result
- Save and Download for further reference
Kerala PSC Assistant Engineer 2024 Result: Mentioned Details
Following are the details that will be mentioned on the Kerala PSC Assisatnt Engineer result 2024
- Post Name
- Registration Number of candidates
- Name of Candidates
- List Category
- Obtained score details
- Date of Birth of Candidate
- Community
- Department Details
- Salary
- Job Category Number
- Cut Off Score
- Rank list Guidelines
- Allotment details
Kerala PSC Assistant Engineer Result 2024: Guidelines
- The Ranked List will be valid until a new one is published after at least one year or three years, whichever comes first. When the Ranked List is in effect and vacancies are reported to the Commission, candidates from the Ranked List will be considered for appointment based on regulations and orders concerning reservation and rotation, as applicable and updated from time to time. Please note that not all candidates on the Ranked List will be hired, as appointment recommendations depend on the occurrence of vacancies. After the Ranked List is canceled, candidates still on the list will not be eligible for appointment based on their inclusion in the list.
- Since a common OMR Test with common candidates was conducted for this post, the marks awarded to candidates included in this Ranked List and the mark of the OMR test relating to all candidates who appeared for the test will be published only after the publication of the entire Ranked Lists(including NCA Notifications) which will be finalized based on the common test.
- Revaluation of the answer script is not permitted by the current practice. However, applicants may request to have their answer scripts rechecked by logging into their One Time Registration profile on the Commission’s website at www.kerala and paying the required price of Rs. 85/- (Rupees Eighty Five only). The charge may be paid electronically through the portal. Applications sent in any other way, such as via email, Tappal, or Direct, won’t be taken into consideration. Candidates will have 15 (Fifteen) days to apply for a recheck of their answer scripts as of the day the ranked list is posted on the Commission’s website.
- The Commission’s official website is Candidates who wish to obtain a photocopy of their OMR Answer sheets (Part A & Part B) about this selection must submit an online application through their One Time Registration profile and pay the required fee of Rs. 335/- (Rupees three hundred and thirty-five) using the portal’s e-payment option. With effect from the date the Ranked List is released to the Commission’s website, candidates will have 15 (Fifteen) days (i.e., on or before August 21, 2023) to request photocopies of their OMR sheets. Applications sent in any other way—such as via email, Tappal, or Direct—will not be taken into consideration. A candidate will only receive one copy of the answer sheet. Copies of OMR sheets that have been deemed invalid owing to any error won’t be sent out. Rechecked OMR answer script results will be communicated as soon as possible. However, photocopies of the OMR answer scripts won’t be provided until after the release of the Ranked Lists for all of the positions that were decided upon using the common test.
- The entries in column (5) are based on the Communities that the applicants stated in their application forms and are supported with the required documentation. To receive the benefit of reservation to which they are entitled, candidates whose Communities have not been accurately noted in the Ranked List as proved by them in their Application should inform the Deputy Secretary (Examinations) -I, Kerala Public Service Commission, Thiruvananthapuram – 695004 of the fact within one month of the Date of publication of the Ranked List. The candidate will be informed that they have been included in the Ranked List if there is no timely information indicating discrepancies, if any.
- Candidates who wish to renounce their claim for advice from the Ranked List must submit an application to the Secretary KPSC, Pattom, Thiruvananthapuram, in the format specified by the Commission. The format is accessible on the Commission’s official website. Under no circumstances will the request for relinquishment be granted for those who do not submit their relinquishment application in the manner specified by the Commission. A Gazetted Officer of State or Central Government with Signature, Name, Designation, and Office Seal, along with a notarized affidavit and a self-attested copy of an ID proof bearing a photograph as listed in the general conditions, must properly attest to the request for relinquishment in the prescribed format. The request for relinquishment will be honored about any open requests for positions that are still with the Commission at the time the Ranked List is finalized, as long as it is received within 15 days of the date the Ranked List was published on the Commission’s official website. The request for relinquishment will only be taken into consideration after the Ranked List has been published if it is submitted on or before the date on which the vacancy was received and upon which the applicant is to be notified.
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