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Kerala PSC HSST Study Plan 2024: The Kerala Public Service Commission (PSC) has recently announced the exam dates for the HSST (Higher Secondary School Teacher) recruitment examination of 2024. The exam is scheduled to be conducted on specific dates, and aspirants are advised to start their preparation well in advance to score well in the examination.
To help the aspirants in their exam preparation, we have designed a comprehensive 50-day study plan for the Kerala PSC HSST exam 2024. This study plan includes a day-by-day schedule of topics to be covered, based on the exam syllabus and previous year’s question papers. It also provides tips and tricks to solve questions efficiently and effectively. By following this study plan, you can easily cover all the topics of the syllabus and revise them multiple times before the exam. This will not only help you to score well in the exam but also give you an added advantage over your competitors.
So, if you are an aspirant for the Kerala PSC HSST exam 2024, we strongly recommend you to follow this study plan to achieve your dream of becoming a Higher Secondary School Teacher.
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Kerala PSC HSST 50 days Study Plan 2024
The Kerala PSC HSST Exam will be conducted for 100 marks. It consists of mainly 4 subjects including: Research Methodology/ Teaching Aptitude, Salient Features of Indian Constitution, Social Welfare Legislations and Programmes, Renaissance in Kerala, General Knowledge & Current Affairs, and Core Subject. The study plan for the core subject will vary for the candidate based on the post for which he or she has applied. The rest of the study plane is common for all the posts that come under Kerala PSC HSST.
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Kerala PSC HSST 50 days Study Plan 2024
1: The first recipient of the ‘Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna’ award?
Check the Kerala PSC HSST Study Plan for 50 days
Study Plan Common to all the Posts
Days | Topics |
Days 1 to 10 | Cover All the Topics of Teaching Aptitude and Research Aptitude:
i) Objectives, nature, characteristics and basic requirements of teaching. ii) Learner’s characteristics. iii) Factors affecting teaching. iv) Methods of teaching. v) Teaching aids. vi) Evaluation systems. vii) Meaning, Characteristics and types of research. viii) Research Ethics. ix) Paper, article, workshop, seminar, conference and symposium. x) Thesis writing: its characteristics and format. |
Days 11 to 20 | Cover All the Topics of Salient Features Of Indian Constitution, Social Welfare Legislations And Programmes:
i) Salient features of the Constitution. ii) Preamble – significance of it and its place in the interpretation of the Constitution iii) Fundamental Rights – Directive Principles of State Policy iv) Relation between Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles Fundamental Duties v) Legislature – Executive – Judiciary – Both at State and Union Level vi) Other Constitutional Authorities vii) Centre-State Relations – Legislative – Administrative and Financial Services under the Union and the States viii) Emergency Provisions ix) Amendment Provisions of the Constitution x) Social Service Legislations like Right to Information Act xi) Prevention of atrocities against Women & Children xii) Food Security Act xiii) Environmental Acts xiv) Social Welfare Programmes like Employment Guarantee Programme xv) Organ and Blood Donation etc
Days 21 to 30 | Cover All the Topics of Kerala Renaissance, General Knowledge And Current Affairs:
i) Towards a New Society ii) Efforts to reform the Society iii) Various missionary organizations and their functioning iv) Socio-Religious reform Movements v) Struggles and Social Revolts vi) Role of Press in Renaissance vii) Awakening Through Literature viii) Women and Social Change ix) Leaders of Renaissance x) Literary Figures xi) National & International events xii) Indian Economy & Polity xiii) Science & Environment, etc. |
Days 31 to 40 | Cover All the Topics of Core Subject (Go to the next section fo detailed plan for each subject) |
Day 41 and 42 | Cover all the left over topics which you missed. |
Day 43 | Revise Teaching Aptitude and Research Aptitude. |
Day 43 | Revise Salient Features Of Indian Constitution, Social Welfare Legislations And Programmes. |
Day 44 | Revise Kerala Renaissance, General Knowledge And Current Affairs. |
Day 45 | Revise your Core Subject. |
Day 46 | i) Revise all the topics.
ii) Go through the notes prepared by you in the past 45 days. iii) Catch up with any left over topics if any. |
Days 47 to 50 | Practice at least one Mock Test and one Previous Year Paper Daily |
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Join Now!Kerala PSC HSST Study Plan 2024: Post-Wise
Discussed below are the study plans for various core subjects for the post of HSST. The aspirant can choose the study plan of his or her core subject and and start preparing for the same.
Cover these topics from day 31 to 40.
Topics under Physics
- Mathematical Methods of Physics.
- Classical Mechanics.
- Quantum Mechanics.
- Electro Dynamics & Statistical Physics.
- Statistical Physics.
- Spectroscopy and Condensed Matter Physics.
- Nuclear and Particle Physics & Electronics.
- Recent Developments in Physics.
- Nanotechnology.
- Non Linear Dynamics.
- Non Conventional Energy Resources.
- Evolution of Universe.
- Basis of Quantum Computing.
Topics under Mathematics
- History of Development of Mathematics.
- Fundamentals of number theory.
- System of Linear Equations.
- Polynomial Equations, Trigonometry.
- Calculus, applications of differentiation and integration.
- Real numbers, rational, irrational number.
- Functions, Complex numbers.
- First, Second order ordinary differential equations.
- Laplace transform, Fourier series.
- Fundamentals of differential geometry.
- Fundamentals of Fluid Dynamics and Mechanics.
Topics under Chemistry
- Formulation of Quantum Mechanics.
- Chemical Bonding in Diatomic and Polyatomic Molecules.
- Laws of Thermodynamics.
- Homogenous and Heterogeneous Catalysis.
- Organic Reactions.
- Photo reactions of Carbonyl compound.
- Theories of acids and bases.
- Synthesis, structure, properties and bonding of organo metallic compounds.
- Nano structures – ID, 2D and 3D structures.
- Recent Developments in Chemistry.
Topics under Statistics
- Mathematical methods for statistics.
- Probability Theory.
- Distribution theory.
- Sampling theory and design of experiments.
- Statistical Inference.
- Stochastic Processes , Multivariate Analysis.
- Recent developments in Statistics.
Topics under Geography
- Fundamental concepts and scope of Geomorphology.
- Morphometric analysis.
- Concept of symmetry in crystals.
- Isomorphism and polymorphism.
- Geochemical cycle and classification.
- Application of thermodynamics in Geochemistry.
- Formation and evolution of magma.
- Bowen’s Reaction Principle and Series, Phase Diagrams.
- Structures and textures of sedimentary rocks.
- Rock deformation.
- Major geological events during different periods of historyof earth.
- Classification of Mineral deposits.
- Mining terminology, underground, coal, Opencast,Alluvial and deep sea mining methods.
- Methods/Guides to Mineral prospecting.
- Ground water prospecting, Geophysical methods.
- Types of remote sensing.
- Geographic Information system—Fundamental concepts, components & applications in Geology.
Topics under Botany
- Phycology, Mycology.
- Plant Pathology.
- Bryology, Pteridology.
- Gymnosperms, Microbiology.
- Palaeobotany.
- Angiosperm Anatomy.
- Micro technique.
- Embryology, Palynology.
- Plant Breeding, Evolution.
- Taxonomy, Morphology.
- Economic Botany.
- Ethonobotany.
- Phytogeography.
- Forest Botany.
- Environmental Biology.
- Cell And Molecular Biology.
- Genetics, Plant Physiology.
- Biochemistry, Biophysics.
- Biostatistics, Biotechnology.
- Bioinformatics.
- Computer Applications.
- Recent developments in Botany.
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Topics under Zoology
- Systematics and Evolutionary Biology.
- Formation of scientific names of various taxa.
- Physiology and Biochemistry.
- Nutrition and Digestion.
- Microbiology and Immunology.
- Industrial Microbiology.
- Immunogens, Immunoglobulins, Antigen Antibody interaction.
- Transplantation.
- Cell, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology.
- Gene cloning.
- BGenetic engineering techniques.
- Genetics and Developmental Biology.
- Ecology, Ethology.
- Biodiversity Conservation and Bio-statistics.
- Biophysics, Bioinformatics and Computer Application.
- Recent developments in Zoology.
Topics under Commerce
- Financial Accounting.
- Ratio Analysis- Cash Flow Analysis -Fund flow Analysis .
- Advanced Cost Accounting.
- Marginal Costing and Breakeven Analysis.
- Management Principles and Techniques.
- Taxation Laws – Direct & Indirect.
- Determination of and Incidence of Tax Residential Status .
- Research Methodology & Quantitative Techniques.
- Applications of Statistical Tools and Various Techniques in Social Research.
- Management Information System.
- MIS and Various Levels of Management.
- Security Analysis & Portfolio Management.
- Indian Financial System-Financial Markets.
- Recent Trends in Commerce.
Topics under Computer Science
- Digital Systems, Microprocessors & Computer Organization.
- Data Structures of Algorithms.
- Operating Systems.
- Database Management Systems.
- Software Engineering.
- Programming Languages.
- Recent developments in Computer Science.
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Topics under Political Science
- Modern Political Thought.
- Indian Government and Politics.
- Comparative Politics.
- Theories and concepts of public administration.
- International Politics.
- Research Methodology.
- Modern trends in Political Science.
Topics under Economics
- Method of Microeconomics – Recent developments in behaviour of consumer.
- Theories of production and cost.
- Theories of General Equilibrium and Welfare economics.
- Consumption and Investment Theories.
- Theories of Inflation and Business Cycl
- Modern Developments in Macroeconomics – Macroeconomic Policy.
- Differentiation and Integration in Economics.
- Probability Distributions – Theories of Sampling.
- Theories of Estimation and Testing of Hypothesis.
- Harrod-Domar, neoclassical, Cambridge and Endogenous growth models.
- Trade and Growth.
- Performance, Structural change and Growth, in Indian economy since New Economic reforms.
- Recent developments in Economics.
Topics under History
- Historiography & Research Methodology.
- World History.
- Pre-Modern India.
- Modern India.
- Social and Religious reform movements.
- Pre-Modern Kerala.
- Modern Kerala.
- Origin and Development of Malayalam Language.
- Recent developments in historical studies.
Topics under Sociology
- Basic concepts in sociology.
- Sociological Theories.
- Social Research Methods.
- Sociology of Indian Society.
- Sociology of Development.
- Kerala Society.
- Recent trends in Sociology.
Topics under Home Science
- Kinds of Micro Organisms in different foods.
- Quality Control in food industry.
- House Plans for different economic groups.
- Intervention programmes for children with challenges.
- Importance of parental feeding.
- Rural development.
- Mortality rates and morbidity of vulnerable sessions of the population.
- Recent Developments in Home Science.
- Up coming trends of Bio Technology on food cultivation industries, etc.
Topics under English
- Chaucer to Neo Classicism: Drama, Poetry, Prose, Fiction.
- The Romantics and the Victorians.
- Twentieth Century Literature.
- Literary Criticism and Theory.
- History and Structure of English Language and Linguistics.
- Indian Literature and American Literature, in English, and Women’s Writing.
- New Trends in Literature.
Topics under Urdu
- Urdu Zaban Ka Aghaz-O-Irtiqa.
- Urdu Shairi Ke Mukhtalif Dabisthan Unke Chand Qadeem Aur Unki Khusoosiat Aur Jadeed Numaindashoara.
- Urdu Shairi Ke Chand Aham Asnaaf.
- Urdu Shairi Ke Asnaf.
- Urdu Nasr Ka Irtiqa.
- Urdu Fiction Aur Drama.
- Urdu Ke Deegar Amali Qawaid Aur Asnaf-E-Nasretc.
Topics under Sanskrit
- General Study o Mahakvyas Khandakavyas and Storakavyas.
- Drama and Dramaturgy.
- General Study of the drama of Sudraka, Kalidasa, Bhasa.
- Vedanta and Nyaya.
- General Study of 6 Systems of Indian Philosophy.
- General Study of Dhamaastra an Arthsastra.
- Poetics, Vyakarana.
- General Study of Linguitics.
- Prose and History of Sanskrit Literature.
- Advanced areas of sanskrit studies.
- General study of contemporary Sanskrit Composition.
- Contribution of Malayalam writers to Sanskrit.
Topics under Hindi
- History of Hindi Literature till 2005.
- Origin and Development of Hindi Language.
- Indian Languages and Classifications.
- Classification of Indo-European languages.
- Linguistics.
- Grammar and Structure of Hindi.
- Theory of Literature, Eastern, Western and Post Modern.
- Journalism and Functional Hindi.
- History of Hindi Journalism in Kerala.
- Hindi as an National Language and Official Language.
- Contemporary Literary Movements in Hindi.
- Human right Issues in contemporary Hindi literature.
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Important Tips to Prepare for the HSST Exam 2024
- Try to make short notes for each subject which may be handy just before entering the exam hall.
- Practice as many previous years papers and mock tests with timing.
- Study for at least 6 to 8 hours each day.
- Take breaks and rest regularly.
- Sleep well and eat well to avoid fatigue and stress.
Kerala PSC HSST Exam Online Mock Test Series 2024
As one of the most important examinations in the state of Kerala, the Kerala PSC HSST examination requires great preparation. There are aspirants from various parts of the state who are appearing for the HSST examinations every year. It is very crucial to have good preparation and preparation strategy to be successful in these examinations. One good choice to make the preparations creditable is the practicing of mock tests. Practicing with Mock tests will help the individuals to understand the important topics that need to be covered, repeatedly asked questions, examination patterns and the level of difficulty that can be anticipated for the examination. The given below are some of the links that will take the candidates to the Kerala PSC HSST Mock tests that can be used at the time of the exam preparation.
Exam | |
Mock Test Paper – 1 | |
Mock Test Paper – 2 | |
Mock Test Paper – 3 | |
Mock Test Paper – 4 | |
Mock Test Paper – 5 | |
Mock Test Paper – 6 |
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Join Now!Kerala PSC HSST Exam Previous Year Question Papers
Click on the link below to download Kerala PSC HSST previous year question papers for free.
Kerala PSC HSST Question Paper |
Download Link |
Kerala PSC HSST Sanskrit Question Paper – 2016 |
Kerala PSC HSST Malayalam Question Paper – 2016 |
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