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Kerala Public Service Commission recruits Staff Nurse for the Insurance medical services department. Applications are invited online only by `One Time Registration’ portal exclusively from qualified candidates. Registered candidates can apply through their profile. Aspiring candidates must check for eligibility conditions before applying. This is a great opportunity for aspirants with required eligibility who dream to work in a government sector. In this article we will provide Kerala PSC Staff Nurse Insurance Medical Services previous questions.
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Kerala PSC Staff Nurse Insurance Medical Services – Important Details
Name of post | Staff Nurse Gr-II |
Department | Insurance Medical Services |
Scale of pay | ` 26,500 – 56,700/- |
Official Website | |
Mode of submitting Applications | Online |
Kerala PSC Staff Nurse Insurance Medical Services – Eligibility Criteria
1: Which Year First Assembly Election was held in Kerala?
Educational Qualifications
- Candidates who have passed in S.S.L.C or its equivalent.
- Candidates who have taken Successful training for a period of not less than three years in General Sick Nursing.
- In the case of women candidates successful training for not less than nine months in Midwifery from an institution recognised by the State Government.
- Also in the case of male candidate’s successful completion of short term course in one or the other of the Nursing subjects of Venerology, Urology, Psychiatry or Ophthalmology conducted in a major Hospital.
- Also those candidates who have undergone successful training for not less than six months in Midwifery will also be eligible for appointment as Staff Nurse (female) subject to the rules of reservation, rotation.
- Candidates must possess Certificate of Registration with the Kerala Nurses and Midwifery Council as Nurse in the case of male candidates and Nurses and Midwives in the case of female candidates.
Age Limit
- Only candidates within age limit of 18 – 44 can apply.
- Candidates belonging to other backward Communities and SC/ST candidates are eligible for usual age relaxation.
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Join Now!Kerala PSC Staff Nurse Insurance Medical Services –Previous Year Questions
Practicing previous year question paper is a very good tactic to boost your exam preparation. It will help you understand how & what type of questions are asked. Also Kerala PSC has repeated questions. Below mentioned are few Kerala PSC Staff Nurse Insurance Medical Services previous year questions-
Staff Nurse Insurance Medical Services Previous Year Question Papers | Links |
Staff Nurse Previous Year Question Paper 2019 | Click Here |
Staff Nurse Previous Year Question Paper 2016 | Click Here |
Staff Nurse Previous Year Question Paper 2014 | Click Here |
Staff Nurse Previous Year Question Paper 2016 | Click Here |
Staff Nurse Previous Year Question Paper | Click Here |
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Kerala PSC Staff Nurse Insurance Medical Services – Syllabus
Anatomical terms, Cell & Tissues, Blood-composition & functions, Circulatory system-Heart & Blood vessels structure, function
Lymphatic system- structure & function, Respiratory system- structure & function, physiology of respiration, Digestive system- structure & function, process of digestion, Excretory system- structure & function of kidney, ureter, bladder,& urethra, Endocrine system– structure & function of pituitory, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, pancreas, ovary & testis,
Reproductive system – structure & function of male & female reproductive organs, Nervous system-brain & nerves, spinal cord, autonomic nervous system
Sense organs-skin, ear, nose, eye & tongue, physiology of vision, hearing, smell, touch, taste
Skeletal system- bones, tendons, ligaments, cartilages
Muscular system-types, structure & function
Micro organisms-classification, common diseases, study of microbes Infection & its transmissions, Sources, types. Immunity, Types, Immunization Schedule Disinfection & sterilization, asepsis, biomedical waste management
1) Psychology
Scope of learning psychology for nurses, Structure of mind ,Body Mind relationship, Learning, Thinking, Reasoning, Observation, Perception, Attention (Nature & Factors affecting)
Personality-& Intelligence- (Nature, Assessment, Development of)
2) Sociology
Scope in Nursing , Uses, Influence of environment in individual development, Rights & Responsibilities of individual in democratic society Family-Characteristics, Types, Family cycle, Functions ,Types of Marriage Society—Social groups , Social change ,Social control , Social stratification, Social agencies, & Social problems Culture & characteristics, Community ,types –rural & urban.
Internship Subjects
- a) Nursing education-scope and purposes, basic principles of teaching, lesson plan, methods of teaching-case method, bedside clinic, nursing rounds, nursing conference
- b) Introduction to research-need and importance, characteristics, research approaches,methods,datab collection process , analysis of data,evidence based practice
- c) Professional trends and adjustment-nursing as a profession, professional ethics and etiquettes, personal and professional development,continuing education, in service education, career in nursing, nursing in future, legislations in nursing, common legal hazards in nursing, professional organisations-INC, ICN, TNAI, SNA,WHO,red cross
- d) Nursing administration and ward management- philosophy, principles, management process-planning, organisation, staffing, directing, co-ordination and control, budgeting, administration of hospital/ ward,safety measures,leadership styles,problem solving, records and reports, material management, cost and financing of health care.
Fundamentals of Nursing
Nursing—Concept ,Profession, Ethics, etiquette, Health care agencies ,Approaches ,Holistic Nursing ,Health ,Basic human needs Nursing care of patients-therapeutic environment, meeting needs of patient, Admission ,Discharge & Transfer procedures, Communication ,Nursing process & Care plan Meeting Basic Needs of Patient –Physical needs(comfort, rest, sleep, exercises ,body mechanics, comfort devices,bed making , safety devices) .
Hygienic needs-(personal & environmental hygiene ,mouth,skin, hair,eyes,pressure sores).
Nutritional needs- feeding helpless patient .
Elimination needs-managing constipation & diarrhoea giving laxatives ,enema , suppository& bowel wash Meeting psychological & spiritual needs Care of terminally ill & dying-medicolegal issues,care of dead body .
Hygiene-Personal Hygiene-skin ,hair ,teeth .eyes ,ear, mental health & hygiene Assessment of patient— Physical assessment, Psychological assessment.Infection Control-asepsis, PPE, Isolation precautions, Biomedical waste management.Therapeutic nursing care-care of patient- IV Fluid with respiratory problems, suctioning, ,fever ,-IV Fluid ,hot& cold applications,care of unconscious patient, bedridden patient, pain, elimination problems Introduction to Clinical pharmacology—medicine administration-oral & parenteral, routes , nurses responsibility
First Aid
Aims, Rules, first aid kit, dressings & bandaging CPR. First Aid in-asphyxia,drowning, bleeding, shock, fracture, sprain, hanging, burns & scalds, poisoning , foreign body in eye, ear,nose,throat Community emergencies, disaster management
3) Practical Experience
Mental Health Nursing
Mental health assessment-history taking and MSE Therapeutic nurse-patient relationship components and phases, communication skills
Management of mental disorders-etiological factors, classification, disorders of thought, motor activity, perception, mood, speech, memory,concentration,judgement, personality types and disorders,organic mental disorders- delirium, dementia,Psychotic disorders-schizophrenia,mood disorders,BPAD,Neurotic disorders,phobia,anxiety disorders,OCD, psychosomatic disorders,substance abuse and deaddiction,sleep disorders,eating disorders,sexual disorders Psycho-social therapy,somatic therapy-ECT Psycho pharmacology-anti psychotic, antidepressant, antimanic, antianxiety, antiparkinsons,role of nurse Community mental health-preventive psychiatry,community mental health services Psychiatric emergencies and crisis intervention Forensic psychiatry –legal aspects-admission discharge procedure,legal responsibilities of nurse
Child health nursing
Preventive pediatrics Growth and development-infant ,toddler, preschooler,schooler,adolescent Pediatric procedure-calculation and administration of medicine,preparation for diagnostic tests,oxygen administration,steam inhalation, nebulisation, procedures related to feeding and elimination, pediatric resuscitation Health problems in-infancy, childhood, adolescent Congenital disorders- CNS,skeletal,cleft lip and palate,GIT defects,defects of genitourinary tracts,CVS defects, chromosomal abnormalities Nursing management of children with defects of – renal system, respiratory system, GIT,CBS, haematological, neurological, endocrine and developmental problems Child welfare services and agencies ,laws pertaining to pediatrics.
Embryology and fetal development ,placenta and membrane, fetal skull Normal pregnancy and its management-genetic counselling, physiological changes , diagnosis of pregnancy , antenatal care, minor disorders Normal labour and its management-stages, signs of onset of labour, true and false labour, management of first, second, third, and fourth stages of labour Management of new born- assessment ,apgar scoring, breast feeding, minor disorders, newborn care Management of normal puerperium, physiological changes , lactation and feeding, postnatal exercises, minor disorders, family planning Management of complications during pregnancy-bleeding in pregnancy(early and late),hyperemesis gravidarum, gestational DM, PIH,pre eclampsia and eclampsia, poly and oligo hydramios, PID, IUGR,IUD, management of high risk pregnancy Management of high risk labour, obstetric emergencies, contracted pelvis, cervical dystocia, PPH,atonic uterus, inversion of uterus, rupture of uterus Management of complications of puerperium-pyrexia, sepsis, psychosis High risk and sick newborn-hyperbilirubinemia, hypothermia,Rh incompatibility, LBW,RDS,new born of HIV positive mother, diabetic mother, NICU care Obstetric operations-induction of labour, manual removal of placenta, forceps/vacuum delivery, LSCS sterilisation, D&C Drugs used in obstetrics-oxytocin, uterotonics, tocolytics,antihypertensives, teratogens Fertility and infertitlity-management, artificial reproductive techniques Pelvic infections and STD Gynaecological disorders-fistula, uterine prolapsed, polyps, tumors, breast disorders Menopause-physiological changes, hormone replacement therapy, health education and counselling.
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