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Kerala PSC Assistant Professor Admit Card 2023: Kerala PSC or Kerala Public Service Commission has released the Assistant Professor in Sanskrit (Vedantha), Collegiate Education, Direct Recruitment, Cat. No. 001/2022. The exam is scheduled on December 18, 2023 from 10:00 am to 12.30 pm. In this article, we are going to give you a brief note on the exam pattern and how to download the admission ticket for the Kerala PSC Assistant Professor in Sanskrit.
Usually, Kerala PSC publishes the admit cards 15-20 days prior to the exam for all aspiring candidates who submitted the application for the same. Likewise, the commission has now generated the admit card for the Assistant Professor in Sanskrit examination. Read the complete article to learn all about Kerala PSC Assistant Professor in Law Collegiate Education Admit Card 2023.
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Kerala PSC Assistant Professor Admit Card 2023: Overview
Events | Details |
Name of post | Assistant Professor |
Department | Various |
Authority | Kerala Public Service Commission |
Rank List Status | Released |
Cat Number | 001/2022 |
Method of Recruitment | District wise |
Selection Procedure | Prelims, Mains, Interview |
Cut off marks | Varies District- wise |
Official Website | |
Kerala PSC Assistant Professor Admit Card 2023
1: Which Year First Assembly Election was held in Kerala?
Kerala Public Service Commission (PSC) has released the admit card for the post of Assistant Professor of Law Collegiate Education in the year 2023. Candidates who have completed the registration process for the post can now download their admit card from the official website of Kerala PSC. The admit card contains important information such as examination date, venue, time, and other related instructions and guidelines. Candidates are recommended to read all of the information on the admission card to determine the exam site and time. On the day of the examination, they must bring a physical copy of their admit card with valid identity proof. Candidates who fail to carry their admit card and valid identity proof will not be allowed to appear for the examination. The admit card is an important document and should be kept safely until the end of the selection process. Check below to find the Kerala PSC Assistant Professor Admit Card 2023 Link.
Enroll in Kerala's Top-rated Kerala PSC Coaching Program!
സർക്കാർ ജോലി എന്ന സ്വപ്നം ഇനി സ്വപ്നം മാത്രമല്ല! Join Entri's Kerala PSC Coaching Programs
Join Now!Kerala PSC Assistant Professor Admit Card 2023: Releasing Date
The Kerala Public Service Commission released the admit card for the Assistant Professor of Law Collegiate Education on December 15, 2023. All the aspirants who applied for this post can download their admit cards from the official website. The admit card contains all the important information such as the exam date, time, and venue. This is a great opportunity for all aspiring candidates to showcase their knowledge and skills and get a foothold in the field of Law Collegiate Education. All the best to all the aspirants!
Kerala PSC Assistant Professor Admit Card 2023: Notification PDF
The admit card for the Assistant Professor Recruitment 2023 has been issued by the Kerala Public Service Commission. By entering their User ID and Password, applicants can get the Kerala PSC Assistant Professor Hall Ticket 2023. The link provided below will lead you to the Kerala Public Service Commission Assistant Professor Hall Ticket Notification 2023.
Kerala PSC Assistant Professor Exam Date 2023
Enroll in Kerala's Top-rated Kerala PSC Coaching Program!
സർക്കാർ ജോലി എന്ന സ്വപ്നം ഇനി സ്വപ്നം മാത്രമല്ല! Join Entri's Kerala PSC Coaching Programs
Join Now!Kerala PSC Assistant Professor Recruitment 2023: Important Dates
Find PSC Assistant Professor Hall Ticket 2023 Important Dates below.
Event | Dates |
Hall Ticket Release | December 15, 2023 |
Exam Date | December 19, 2023 |
Final Result | Notify later |
Answer Key | Notify later |
How to Download Kerala PSC Assistant Professor Admit Card 2023?
Kerala PSC Assistant Professor Admit Card 2023: Download link
Details Mentioned in the Kerala PSC Assistant Professor Admit Card 2023
- Name of the candidate
- Gender of the candidate
- Exam date
- Category of the candidate
- Name of the parent
- Application Number of the candidate
- Application ID and roll number of the candidate
- Name of the examination
- Name of the exam centre
- General instruction to the candidates
Kerala PSC Assistant Professor Exam Center 2023
The Kerala PSC Assistant Professor exam location will be made available by the examination board in the PDF admission card. Candidates can download the official PDF to learn more about the test. Please visit the Kerala Public Service Commission’s official website if you have any queries regarding the exam location, modifications that can be made, or anything else.
Kerala PSC Assistant Professor Recruitment 2023: Syllabus
Module 1- Mathematics for CSE (20 Marks)
- Linear Algebra: Matrices, Rank, system of linear equations, consistency, eigen values, eigen vectors, Cayley Hamilton theorem, diagonalisation, linear dependence and independence of vectors.
- Basics of mathematical logic: Basic connectives and truth table, statements, logical connectives, tautology, contradiction. logical equivalence, principle of duality, implication, contrapositive, converse, inverse.
- Counting Theory: Rule of sum, rule of product, permutations. combinations, binomial theorem, combination with repetition, Pigeon hole principle, principle of inclusion and exclusion. Sets, Relations and Functions: Sets, relations, different types of relations, functions, different types of functions.
- Algebraic Structures: Homomorphism, isomorphism, semi groups, monoids, groups, commutative groups, sub groups, Lengrange’s theorem, rings, fields. vector spaces. Graph Theory: Graphs, subgraph, connectivity, independence sets, cliques, bipartite graphs, vertex cover, vertex colouring, planar graphs, graph representations.
Module 2- Computer Organization & Architecture (15 Marks)
- Digital Logic: Number representations and computer arithmetic (fixed and floating point), logic functions, minimization, design and synthesis of combinational and sequential circuits. State Machines.
- Computer Organization: Machine instructions and addressing modes, control design, memory interface, I/O interface, DMA, interrupts, pipelining, memory hierarchy – cache memory
Module 3 – Programming Languages & Database (25 Marks)
- Programming in C: Data types, operators, type conversions, control statements, user defined functions, arrays, pointers, structure and union, file operations.
- Object Oriented Programming Concepts: classes and objects, data abstraction, data hiding, data encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, abstract classes, interfaces, packages.
- Programming Language Concepts: Parameter passing, binding, scope, recursion, imperative, declarative, functional and logic languages.
- Databases: ER model, relational algebra, tuple calculus, database design, integrity constraints, normalization, SQL, transactions and concurrency control.
Module 4 – Theoretical Computer Science( 25 Marks)
- Data Structures and Algorithms: Arrays, stacks, queues, linked lists, trees, binary search trees, binary heaps, graphs, searching and sorting algorithms.
- Analysis and Design of Algorithms: Analysis – space and time complexity, Asymptotic Notations, Design strategies – divide-and-conquer, greedy, dynamic programming, branch and bound, complexity classes – P, NP, NP-hard, NP-complete.
- Theory of Computation: Representation of regular languages -finite automata, regular expression, regular grammar, closure properties of regular languages, Existence of non regular languages, Representation of context-free languages – pushdown automata and context free grammar, closure properties of context free languages, Context sensitive languages, recursively enumerable and recursive languages, Turing machines, undecidability of Turing machines
- Language Translators: Compiler design, lexical analysis, parsing, syntax directed translation, code generation and optimization, assemblers, linkers and loaders, macroprocessors.
Module 5- Operating Systems and Computer Networks( 15 Marks)
- Operating System: processes, threads, inter-process communication, synchronization, deadlocks, CPU scheduling, memory management and virtual memory, file systems, I/O systems, protection & security.
- Computer Networks: ISO/OSI reference model, TCP/IP model, flow control, error control, IPV4 header format, IPV4 addressing, IPV6 header format, routing algorithms, congestion control, connection oriented and connectionless protocols in the transport layer, application layer protocols, network devices
What to Carry For Kerala PSC Assistant Professor Exam 2023?
- Hall Ticket
- Latest Passport Size Photographidentity proof
- Ball point pen
- Transparent water bottle
- PwD certificate for the candidates claiming relaxation
Items Restricted in the Kerala PSC Assistant Professor Exam Hall
- Mobile phone/earphone/microphone/pager
- Any type of electronic device
- Any metallic item
- Camera/tape recorder
- Stationary/Paper
- Pencil box/instrument/geometry box
- Eatables/water/tea/coffee/cold drinks
- Purse/wallet/handbag
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