Table of Contents
Attention aspirants of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) exams! You can find the latest and updated study materials for the Kerala PSC Electrician exam 2024 here. These study materials are designed to help aspirants prepare effectively for the upcoming KPSC electrician exam. With these materials, you will have access to a comprehensive list of syllabus topics, important dates, and exam patterns. The study materials are organized in an easy-to-understand format, and they cover all the essential areas that you need to focus on to succeed in the KPSC exams.
Candidates who have applied and awaiting the Electrician examination can use the Kerala PSC Electrician study material 2024 to prepare well for the upcoming exams. Find out the materials now!
Kerala PSC Electrician Study Material 2024: Highlights
Events | Details |
Conducted By | Kerala Public Service Commission |
Post name | Electrician |
Payment scale | ₹ 18,000-41,500/- |
Number of vacancies available | Anticipated |
Method of recruitment | Direct |
Age limit | 18-36 |
Educational Qualification | SSLC or equivalent and NTC Electrical or wireman/wireman license |
Study Materials | Available here |
Official website | |
List of Kerala PSC Electrician Study Material 2024
1: Between the period of 1858-1947, how many Viceroys ruled over India?
The source of study materials for the subject-related exams is of course the best books available for each topic included in the syllabus and the online courses for respective examinations. Also, candidates have to prepare for the general topics included for the 20 marks. For that, they can rely on the Newspapers, general guides. Candidates check the list of books available in the market for the Electrician and Electrician Grade 2 exams.
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Best Books for Kerala PSC Electrician 2024
Looking for the best books to prepare for Kerala PSC Electrician Exam 2024? We can help you find the most comprehensive and reliable study materials to ace your exam. Let us assist you in your search and provide you with the top-rated books to achieve your goals.
Main Topic Books – Subject-wise Books
- A Comprehensive Trade Question Bank (Electrician) English by NK Editorial with ITI solved papers covering important questions of the past years in simple and lucid language.
- Q-Bank Electrician Sem 1-4 – ENGLISH ITI by GV Ramana Murthy, K Mehta
- Ugly’s Electrical References, 2020 Edition by Miller, Charles R. (Author)
- National Electrical Code 2020, (NFPA) National Fire Protection Association
- Wiring a House 4th edition, 5th Edition by Cauldwell, Rex
- Power System Analysis and Design by Glover, J. Duncan
- Electrical Power Generation by Manish Goel
- High-Power Converters and AC Drive by B. Wu and Bin Wu
- An Electrician’s Guide to Single Phase Transformers by Chad Flinn
- Voltage source converters in power systems by A. Yazdani
- Power system Engineering by Kothari & Nagrath
- Electrical Power by C.L. Wadhwa
- Transmission and Distribution by Cotton & Barber
- An Electrician’s Guide to Single Phase Transformers by Chad Flinn
- Power Electronics by Daniel W. Hart [A beginner level book]
- Ohm’s Law, Electrical Math, and Voltage Drop Calculations by Tom Henry
- Power semiconductor circuits by S. B. Dewan and A. Straughen [this is a classic and an old book on power electronics]
- Introduction to Electrodynamics by Griffith
- Grade-school textbook Science Explorer C2009 Book N Student Edition Electricity and Magnetism
General Topic Books
- Monthly PSC Bulletin
- Kerala PSC Bulletin 10000 GK Quiz
- Yearbooks (various like Malayala Manorama)
- Renaissance Books – Kerala Navodhanam
Other Study Materials for Kerala PSC Electrician Exam 2024?
As discussed, the study material includes all pieces of information available from any source. The online platforms are now available in plenty. But it is the risk of candidates to find the best one that suits candidates’ ability to study. The topic-wise study materials such as the notes, mock questions, previous questions, important points, tricks are available online.
The question bank for electrician post, with as many questions from each topic, will be helpful.
After choosing the study materials, the study plan and the completion of the entire Kerala PSC Electrician syllabus is essential. For that, read the article further to get the tips and tricks and the preparation strategy for the examination, scheduled for November 2024.
Kerala PSC Electrician Exam 2024 Strategy and Tips
Kerala PSC Electrician exam tips to execute the preparation strategies are equally important.
Understand and Cover Entire Electrician Syllabus
Module – 1: Basic Electricity
Fundamental Of Electricity, Flux and soldering technique, Property of Resistance, Conductor, Insulator, Semiconductor, Types of wires and cables
Module – 2: Ohm’s Law
Ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s law, Effects of variation of temperature on resistance, Chemical effect of electric current, Laws of resistance, Different type of cells, the grouping of cells, Care and maintenance of cell, Buckling, Sedimentation
Module – 3: Magnetism
Classification of magnetic properties, Para, di and ferromagnetic material, electromagnetism, Fleming’s left- and right-hand rule, MMF, Flux density, Reluctance, Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction, Lenz law, Capacitor, types, and functions
Module – 4: Alternating current and Earthing
Alternating current, Earthing, Types of wiring both domestic and industrial, grading of cable and wires, Current rating, Testing of installation by megger
Module – 5: DC Machine
DC Generators and Type, emf equation, Description of series, shunt and compound Generator, DC motors and type, Starters 3-point, 4 points, and speed control machine
Module – 6: AC Motors, single and 3 phase
AC motors and starters single phase and 3 phase, DOL, Star Delta, slip ring motor starter, Autotransformer starter, AC motor panel wiring, phase sequence
Module – 7: Instruments and Transformers
Measuring Instruments, Indication type and Deflecting types, controlling torque and Damping Torque, Basic principle of Transformer, emf equation of transformers, parallel operation of Transformers, Cooling, Protective Device
Module – 8: Illumination and Basic Electronics
Illumination – Laws of illumination, Type of lamp, Domestic appliances, Semiconductor – P type, N-Type, classification of Diode, Rectifier, Transistor
Module – 9: Power Generation
Generation Source of energy, Various types of power generation
Module – 10: Transmission
Transmission and Distribution, comparison of AC and DC transmission
Kerala PSC Electrician Study Plan 2024
Make a day-wise plan to complete and revise the syllabus. And, note that this should be made as per your ability to study and examination date!
Follow the Electrician study plan
It is very much important to stick to the plan. Complete the topics as per plan, and never miss the topics. In case, you are not able to follow, rework the plan, and try to include mock tests in large.
Early or late
Choose your study time – early morning or late night. Choose the time at which you give your best focus and learn efficiently.
Current Affairs and Static GK
Follow the current affairs updates available online on Entri, and also practice the daily rank booster quiz.
Read Aloud, and Write
Follow this method, to grasp the topic easily. Point down the important equations, inventors, theories and revise this constantly from the preparation notes. These notes will definitely help during revision and a quick view prior to the exam.
Mocks and Previous papers
Practicing the old question papers of the electrician, conducted by the PSC, and also the mock tests, prepared following the latest syllabus, will help to understand the exam patterns. The analysis after each exam will help to make necessary changes and additions in the preparation.
Be stress free
Relax and free your mind at times. Never study by stressing yourself. Take necessary breaks, keeping at least 7-8 hours for study.
Practice Indian Polity and Constitution Mock tests
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Kerala PSC Electrician Notification | Kerala PSC Electrician Selection Process |
Kerala PSC Electrician Syllabus | Kerala PSC Electrician Mock Test |
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Kerala PSC Electrician Admit Card | Kerala PSC Electrician Salary |
Kerala PSC Electrician Study Plan | Kerala PSC Electrician Preparation Tips and Tricks |
Kerala PSC Electrician Previous Question Papers | Kerala PSC Electrician Result |
Kerala PSC Electrician Best Books | Kerala PSC Electrician Cutoff |
Kerala PSC Electrician Eligibility Criteria | Kerala PSC Electrician Exam Analysis |
Kerala PSC Electrician Answer Key |